New Beginnings - Relating With Women of the Bible Part 3ตัวอย่าง

New Beginnings - Relating With Women of the Bible Part 3

วันที่ 7 จาก 7


Blessed, indeed, among all women was Mary to be chosen to conceive the Son of God. When the angel appeared before her, she questioned how this would be possible since she was a virgin. But when she humbly submitted to God’s will, she bore the blessedness that would come to bless the world. 

Mary’s life was characterized by faith, obedience, and humility. Her song of praise reveals everyone’s need for her Savior-Son, including herself! But Mary’s blessedness didn’t come without a cost. Her blessedness came with a partner: suffering. And her blessedness tested her faith. 

Immediately, Mary’s reputation was tainted when the community found out she was pregnant before consummating her marriage with Joseph. Can you imagine the talk of the town that even Joseph thought of divorcing her quietly? 

Then the long, rough journey to Bethlehem followed by her delivery in an inn, laying her baby on a trough wrapped in swaddling cloths was irrefutably difficult, but it demonstrated her fortitude and faith. 

Motherhood, as with most women, didn’t come to Mary without challenges. Even the young Jesus would cause her a scare when He stayed at the temple for three days without His parents’ knowledge. 

These and much more balanced the scale of Mary’s blessedness. She saw God’s salvation through Jesus beforehand and that a sword would pierce her soul also. This would tip the scale for most women. Yet, Mary saw these days come to pass when Jesus was scourged and crucified. She painfully watched His anguish and death. But Jesus took care of His mother until His last breath by entrusting her to John. That’s how blessed she was!

Many times, I’ve looked at blessedness through material things, which is self-centered. But when I lost everything tangible in my life, I encountered the blessedness of knowing Jesus. It was in the state of nothingness that I realized how much I have. I have Jesus inside me, and it’s what matters most. 

The pains of suffering didn’t wipe out Mary’s blessedness. She came to know Her Savior more! The truth is, it’s in our sufferings that we get to know our Savior—that He is our Deliverer, Provider, Healer, Redeemer, and Friend. Just as Mary was blessed to conceive Jesus, we too are blessed to have Him live inside us. Do you know how blessed you are?

วันที่ 6


New Beginnings - Relating With Women of the Bible Part 3

Part 3 of Relating with Women of the Bible focuses on New Testament women and shows how an encounter with Jesus transforms lives and brings about fresh starts. Let this devotional lead you to a place of healing, encouragement, affirmation of God’s love, restoration, and a new beginning.
