The Faith Factorตัวอย่าง

The Faith Factor

วันที่ 1 จาก 4

Five loaves of bread and two fish fed five thousand people, with leftovers.

The first time I heard the story of the feeding of the 5,000, I was in Sunday school. I was mesmerized by so many different parts of the story. The disciples who gave the five loaves of bread to Jesus, not understanding what He could do with them. The small boy, who gave his lunch to Jesus, when it was all that, he had.

And of course, the faith that Jesus had. The faith that it would take for Jesus to look at five loaves of bread and two fish and know that it would be not just enough, but MORE than enough for this crowd of five thousand.

As I listened to this story, I remember thinking how amazing it was. How could this be possible?

It is God Math! 

Any economist knows that five pieces of bread and two fish sticks cannot possibly feed a family much less a crowd of thousands, but then again, they would not be factoring faith into the scenario. 

God’s math is not of this world. His math and our math are not the same. Five plus two equals seven to us, but to Jesus on that very day, it equaled MORE THAN ENOUGH.

Our “not enough” plus The Faith Factor, equals “more than enough.”

In the beginning, God spoke to nothing and made something. 

He did not need you and I when he hung the planets and stars. He did not need us, He wanted us. He wanted us to be involved in this world. God math involves you and I because God loves when we choose Him.

When faith is factored into the equation, it is always enough. It won’t always make sense, but it will always add up.

Stop trying to figure it out. His ways are above our ways…The way He thinks is above the way we think!  

It’s not meant to be understood. Paul himself called it a mystery. He concluded that God cannot be figured out. He lets us in on some things, but other things are not meant to be understood.

God math is not restricted to the rules of this world, but it always adds up.


วันที่ 2


The Faith Factor

We can think of life as an equation, but only if we add the Faith Factor -- the circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to the result or outcome! Join David Villa as he talks about the secret weapon that can defeat the enemy: The Faith Factor!
