Life Of Integrityตัวอย่าง

Life Of Integrity

วันที่ 25 จาก 30

"Moses' Faithfulness"

Has someone ever made you a promise that you held onto and after what felt like forever, it just didn’t look like it was happening? Maybe it was as simple as your mom or dad promising you ice cream that you still wait for to this day, or you promising yourself that you will follow through on picking up that new hobby, or being better at texting your friends back. You fought or continue to fight for that promise that means so much to you, even when it becomes a more distant thought each passing day.

When God promises us things, He always follows through with them, though they may look different than what we thought initially. Sometimes, we need the reminder that He is still with us in the midst of the craziness of life. If we want to allow God to reveal more of his nature to us, we need to create a history with Him through trusting in His promises for ourselves.

Moses cultivated 80 years of faithfulness and promises with the Lord before his biggest moments began. We read in Exodus 14, where he took a moment of process. First, he looked at his mountain (the Red Sea), then looked at his people, and then looked at the rampaging chariots that came towards them. Next, did he crumble under the pressure? No! He lifted up his staff, which as a shepherd would have had dates and testimonies of important moments in his life to remind himself of the faithfulness of God. And with that encouragement, he finally told his mountain how big his God is. When he shared his promise of freedom for his people with the sea, or his mountain, it split.

In our times, where things begin to weigh heavy on us, and fear tries to settle in or lies creep forth, let’s remember our history with God, and our testimonies that stir faith in us to remind us of God’s nature and character. Join me in being faithful with the promises God has given us, and trust Him to do the rest.

Take a moment and think through the promises that God has given you. Maybe search the Scriptures to see clearly, what God has promised us. Pause and reflect on God’s faithfulness. This will help put things into perspective.


วันที่ 24วันที่ 26


Life Of Integrity

Character and integrity are qualities that we most want in our bosses, leaders and spouses. However, are we cultivating character and integrity in our own lives? These are hard fought for qualities and ones that come through much pain and humility. Fortunately, God’s word provides us with wonderful accounts of what integrity looks like and what it doesn’t’ look like. We can look at these wonderful examples to help guide us towards Godly character. Allow these 30 devotionals to sharpen and inspire you towards Godly character and integrity.
