Walking in Kindness and Goodness: The Fruit of the Spirit a 7-Day Bible-Reading Plan by Kenneth Copeland Ministriesตัวอย่าง

Walking in Kindness and Goodness: The Fruit of the Spirit  a 7-Day Bible-Reading Plan by Kenneth Copeland Ministries

วันที่ 6 จาก 7

Kindness Is Seen in the Way You Speak To Others

One of the primary ways kindness manifests is in the way we speak to others. This includes the way we talk to friends, family, co-workers, store clerks, pastors, strangers on social media, and especially to those who are unkind to us (when the average Joe will just strike back).

Knowing that you attract people to God when you show the fruit of kindness in the way you talk to others, ask yourself this: Can people count on you to be positive and encouraging when they talk to you? Or do they expect negativity and words of criticism?

We all have to work at being kind, but ultimately, we are all held responsible for every word we speak (see today’s reading). Here’s a quick self-check to see the condition of the fruit of kindness on your tree.

  • Are you respectful, loving, and encouraging to your spouse or are you always pointing out their faults? 
  • Do you discipline your children with love and encouragement, or are you harsh and critical? 
  • Do you respect your grown children, or do you pout or make them feel guilty if they don’t do what you want them to? 
  • Are you a kind and encouraging in-law? 
  • If you’re a boss or leader, do you lead by building relationships and expressing appreciation to your team or do you lead by intimidation and threats? 
  • Here’s the biggest test of all: If asked, would every person in your life describe you as kind?

These questions certainly aren’t meant to condemn any of us. We all need work! And without doing a self-check within certain areas, we won’t be able to grow, mature, and develop into the kind of people who are pleasing to God, attracting unbelievers to Him, and living a blessed life!

Bottom line? We, as Christians, should always strive to talk to others in a way that builds them up and encourages them, not criticizes or tears them down.


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Walking in Kindness and Goodness: The Fruit of the Spirit  a 7-Day Bible-Reading Plan by Kenneth Copeland Ministries

What is the main quality that draws you to someone and causes you to want to spend time with him or her? Most would say kindness. Kindness is the most attractive quality you can have as a Christian, but it’s closely associated with another fruit—goodness. In this seven-day study, learn how walking in kindness and goodness will attract people to you and to the Lord!
