Facing the Giant of Grief and Lossตัวอย่าง

Facing the Giant of Grief and Loss

วันที่ 20 จาก 30

Jesus at the scene of death 

‘Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going...to wake him up.’ John 11:11 NIV 

What do you say to those who are heartbroken, angry and questioning because of death? Tell them about Lazarus whom Jesus raised from the dead. Tell them: 1) Jesus allows us to question! Martha asked, in effect, ‘Where were you when we needed you, Lord?’ Was Jesus upset with her? No. In moments like these we learn things about ourselves we never knew before. In times of heartache we discover ‘His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: Great is [His] faithfulness’ (Lamentations 3:22-23 NKJV). 2) Jesus shows us how to grieve! ‘Jesus wept’ (John 11:35 NIV), not because He was powerless, but because He was our example. If you bury your emotions, you bury them alive and they’ll rise again to hurt you. The process of becoming whole involves: a) feeling deeply, b) dealing honestly, c) making way for healing. Are you running from pain? Are you trading it in prematurely for some other feeling? That’s not God’s way. He says, ‘you will weep and mourn...but [eventually] your grief will turn to joy’ (John 16:20 NIV). 3) Jesus gives us hope! Listen: ‘Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going...to wake him up.’ Know how you feel after a great night’s sleep? Well, multiply that feeling by infinity and you still haven’t come close. ‘Good night’ here means ‘good morning‘ there. Jesus said, ‘nor can they die anymore, for they are equal to the angels’ (Luke 20:36 NKJV). Wow! The ‘Uppertaker’ puts every undertaker out of business! Don’t you love it? 

Prayer Point:

Lord, help me to connect with those that need something or someone in their grief. Help me, Lord, to be a reflection of You, to go and do what others might find beneath them. Help me, Lord, always have time for people. Let my life mean something to others. Help me, Lord, to be a channel of Your comfort, love and peace. 

วันที่ 19วันที่ 21


Facing the Giant of Grief and Loss

Any grieving process is painful. But if you are facing the loss of a loved one, the Bible says God is ‘near to the broken-hearted’ (Psalm 34:18 ESVUK), and He is able to carry you through the process of grieving. Read this 30-day devotional from UCB about how God draws close to those experiencing grief and loss.
