Building A Better Workplace Communityตัวอย่าง

Building A Better Workplace Community

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Building a Better Workplace Community - Part II

Karyn Twaronite, in a Harvard Business Review article, shared some great insights about building a sense of community in the workplace from her EY Belonging Barometer study. Her research discovered that 62% of individuals surveyed look to their home for their greatest sense of belonging, but second to the home was the workplace at 34%.

Since a large percentage of the population spends most of their waking hours at work, it is imperative that we create a workplace community where they feel a sense of belonging. 

Ecclesiastes 4:8 says, There was a man all alone; he had neither son nor brother. There was no end to his toil.

Without colleagues who care, work is a lonely existence. Next, we will discuss some ideas to help build a workplace community.

Questions for Reflection:

1. Why is it important to feel connected at work?

2. Think of a person who helped you feel connected at work. What did that person do or say to help you feel part of that workplace community?

3. When you feel connected at work, you are going to be more productive. Why do you think that’s true?


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Building A Better Workplace Community

Research shows that when people feel connected at work they're more productive, motivated, engaged and 3.5 times more likely to contribute to their fullest potential. What does the Bible say about creating a better workplace community? What can we do, individually, to contribute?
