The Power of the Spoken Blessingตัวอย่าง

The Power of the Spoken Blessing

วันที่ 3 จาก 8

It is essential first to understand the fundamental role of a father. When a father understands his spiritual responsibility, he is set up for success in this prominent role in the family and society. During the early years of a child's development, they primarily long for and need a mother to nurture and love them. Fathers might feel like they are only needed to provide financially and discipline the children when they step out of line. This mundane cycle becomes burdensome, and the enemy's scheme falls into place when children become teenagers. Husbands can feel like the expectation is so heavy upon them to perform, and this is statistically when most divorces or breakups happen. In reality, this is the most crucial time where a father should step into his ultimate role to impart identity and purpose to the children. Children's needs shift during this time from needing a mom's protection and love to naturally gravitating towards their father for approval and an impartation of purpose for their future. When a father is removed from the family, the children are left to aimlessly wander through life and become the prey of those who want to lure them away from God's ideal plan for their lives. 

God positioned the father as the head of the family. He is the one who stands in the gap for both his sons and daughters. A father is a doorway to the hearts of his children. He is the one who says in words, all they need to hear to have a sure identity in whom God has created them to be. He carries the responsibility to ensure that love is not given away prematurely to an illegitimate recipient.

Draw Closer in Prayer

Lord Jesus, Every moment in your presence is more precious than silver and gold. There is nothing I desire more than to learn about your ways. I have embarked on this journey to stop the cycles of wandering and feeling like I am not progressing. All yokes and bondage fall off of me because you have died to set me free and give me a new identity. I realize that a father’s role is vitally important for his children’s future. Therefore I choose to pray for fathers today, that you will raise them up in this hour to stand firm and fulfill their God-given calling to be the ones who point their children towards you. I pray for every weary father and ask that You strengthen them to take a new grip with their tired hands. In Jesus Name, Amen. 


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The Power of the Spoken Blessing

The spoken blessing refers to the fact that our words carry power. When someone speaks positive words (of blessing) over you – at your birthday party, for example – it is far more than mere well-wishes. The spoken blessing carries such immense power; it triggers a supernatural release of identity, purpose, and direction for abundant life
