Five Keys to Finding Fulfillmentตัวอย่าง

Five Keys to Finding Fulfillment

วันที่ 4 จาก 5

Shake off adversity that tries to steal your fulfillment

On his way to Rome, the Apostle Paul’s boat was shipwrecked on the Island of Malta. An Angel of the Lord had showed him everyone on the ship would survive, and that proved true. As they arrived on shore, they began to gather wood for a fire with some of the islanders, and a poisonous snake latched on the Paul’s hand as he was picking up wood. The islanders exclaimed to themselves that he must be cursed by God, because first he had been in a shipwreck, and now a snake was taking him out. Paul simply shook the snake off into the fire and he was completely fine. God protected him from the storm and the snake. The islanders then thought he must be divine! God used Paul to lead many on that island to faith in Jesus Christ.

Even though you have experienced fulfillment in God, hardships in life may try to steal your joy.

When you go through hardships that try to steal your fulfillment, learn to shake it off. 

No matter what people say, you are not cursed, you are always blessed because Jesus is in your life.

No matter what hardships may come in your life, you know God is always at work, turning everything that happens to you for your good. (Romans 8:28)

Nothing can shake you because of what Jesus did for you on the cross. Instead, you can shake it off, and always go back to your unshakeable fulfillment in God.


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Five Keys to Finding Fulfillment

You can find incredible fulfillment in God, more than any source in the world. God wants to give you peace, hope and joy, no matter what is going on in your life. In this 5-Day Bible Plan, Evangelist Matt Brown shares 5 keys to help you move into a life of fulfillment.
