Love God Greatly: Shame Breakerตัวอย่าง

Love God Greatly: Shame Breaker

วันที่ 13 จาก 28

1. Satan is a great historian. He tries his hardest to never let you forget your sins and mistakes. He loves to remind you over and over of them and uses shame as one of his weapons. Based on what you read in Jeremiah 31:3-4, what is God’s response to our past brokenness?

2. How have you embraced Romans 8:1 in your life? What impact has it had on you?

3. In our barrenness, shame, and weakness we can be tempted to believe that our lack of “success” proves that God is not with us. Is this truth based on what we read in Judges 6:12-18?

4. God never promises us a pain-free or trial-free life. We will sin. We will make mistakes. We will experience shame, but because of God’s power at work in our lives, we can overcome. Beauty and good can come out of shame and pain. Think back to a time when God’s power was evident in your life during a difficult season and briefly share about it here.

5. We can all experience shame in our brokenness whether it is physical, emotional, or spiritual. We must remember that just because we view ourselves a certain way, does not mean God views us that way. How has God used Hebrews 4:15-16 to help break a cycle of shame in your life?

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