Real Hope: The Voice of Godตัวอย่าง

Real Hope: The Voice of God

วันที่ 5 จาก 5

Listening And Learning

Going through experiences of learning can be humbling.

Earlier this year, our bathroom sink experienced some sort of blockage so that the water was pooling rather than draining properly. I didn’t have a plunger handy so I thought I might try undoing the U-bend underneath the sink. To be honest, I’m terrible at DIY, and I had no idea what I was doing. I managed to clear the bend but couldn’t secure it back on. In my overconfidence, I had only made matters worse. Thankfully, a call to my Dad for help saw a plunger and some plumber’s tape save the day.

I’ve thought a lot about this moment since. It’s one of the many times I have tried to fumble through on my own inexperience, when I would have been better off seeking help.

The above passage in John is a stark reminder that God is teaching us constantly, as long as we let Him. When we ignore God and His Word, or push these to the side, we are acting in rebellion to Him. What God truly desires is for us to come humbly to His Word in the Bible and allow it to teach us. In fact, the truth of Scripture, with the help of His Spirit, allows our hearts to be shaped and become more in line with God’s will.



วันที่ 4


Real Hope: The Voice of God

Has there ever been a moment where you knew God was speaking directly to you? Maybe you were listening to a song on the radio, reading a passage of scripture, talking to a friend, or spending time praying to God. This plan aims to help us quiet our soul, to focus our attention, and to listen for His voice.
