Ready to Unlock the Kingdom of God? ตัวอย่าง

Ready to Unlock the Kingdom of God?

วันที่ 4 จาก 6

Be part of the Kingdom of Compassion

The greatest kingdom of all is the Kingdom of Compassion. The more I study the Kingdom of Heaven, the more I’m struck by one simple force that emanates from its mandate of love: compassion. 

If you and I are full of the Kingdom of Heaven and dominated by its power, the more we will have compassion on others. 

Are you full of compassion for the lost, broken, and marginalized in your city? 

Every time Jesus would enter a town, He would say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!” Matthew 3:2 ‘change your thinking because I’m bringing a new way of living and loving’. He would then demonstrate the new values by His actions, such as:

  • He forgave the woman of adultery and stopped a murderous mob | John 8:2-11
  • He forgave a handicapped man of his sins and healed him | Matthew 9:2-7
  • He healed a woman with an issue of blood | Matthew 9:20-22
  • He spoke to a lost, hated Samaritan woman at the well | John 4:7-26
  • He fed thousands, with the word and with food | Matthew 14:15-21

Jesus did so many things because He was moved with compassion.

Jesus had compassion on the people because they were like sheep without a shepherd. Mark 6:34

What moves you? What moves you so much that you take action with generosity, faith, food or love?

I’d like to encourage you to find one person or group of people that moves you to action.

The great Pastor Tommy Barnett once said, “Find a need, and fill it.” 

Fill it with a heart of compassion. Be moved to tears and actions. Care about people and their plight. Care, because God cares, and He wants compassion to flow from His Kingdom through you, your family, your church, and your business. Be the heart and hands of Jesus to a lost world.
You are a miracle!

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Ready to Unlock the Kingdom of God?

Jesus loved to talk about His home. He called it the Kingdom of God. Jesus wants to give you the keys to unlock this kingdom on earth. Are you ready? Writer Paul Marc Goulet writes passionately about your special calling in this world.
