Amazing Grace: Midyear Prayer & Fasting (English)ตัวอย่าง

Amazing Grace: Midyear Prayer & Fasting (English)

วันที่ 2 จาก 5

Edifying Grace

The apostle Paul was saying goodbye to the elders and leaders of the church in Ephesus. It is interesting that Paul was commending them not to a bishop, a committee, or the government, but to God’s word of grace.

In the original Greek, the word that Paul used for  “commend” meant “to give into another’s care” or “to entrust to someone’s care.” Paul entrusted the believers in Ephesus to God and to the message of His grace. He did this because he knew that God’s word of grace has a two-fold effect on all its hearers.

  1. God’s word of grace is able to edify its hearers. “Edify” is an architectural term which means to help a house stand and be strong and sturdy. God’s grace, as revealed in His word, is able to make us strong and sturdy that we may continue to do His work. No matter what shakings come our way, God’s word of grace is sure to build us up and strengthen us.
  2. It allows us to receive our spiritual inheritance in Christ. By grace, we have become joint heirs with Him. Everything that Christ inherits, we also inherit because of our faith in Him. This news is truly amazing!

Today, if you feel weak and powerless, His word of grace says, “He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength” (Isaiah 40:29). You may not have much here on earth, but by His grace you have inherited eternal life and the kingdom of God.

God’s edifying grace makes us strong and gives us access to our inheritance in Christ. 


  1. Reflect on the events of the last six months. How has God’s word of grace built you up when you were weak or powerless? 
  2. What passages do you usually turn to in order to draw strength from God? Write them in your journal. How can you continue to be edified by God’s word of grace, so that you will stand strong and sturdy, no matter what will happen in the coming days? 
  3. God’s grace makes us strong. Is there anyone around you who needs to be strengthened by God’s grace? How can you encourage that person to seek God and tap into His grace?


Father, I know that apart from the grace You have freely given to me, I will not be able to stand strong and have faith. Thank You for the gift of edifying grace that makes me sturdy in my faith. I have confidence in knowing that whatever comes my way, Your grace holds me and makes me strong. I will not shrink back from any challenge I may face because I know that You are there with me. Thank You that by Your grace, I am coheirs with Christ. In Jesus’ name, amen.


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Amazing Grace: Midyear Prayer & Fasting (English)

In January, we set apart one week of prayer, fasting, and consecration to hear from God and know His direction for us for the year. We claimed God’s amazing grace to rule and reign in our lives throughout that week. Until now, our faith and stance stay the same—humbly asking God to let His amazing grace rule and be seen in our lives.
