What to Pray For Your Childrenตัวอย่าง

What to Pray For Your Children

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No words can begin to describe the feeling of love and joy that my wife Michelle and I experienced with the birth of our children. It is a feeling far beyond anything we could have imagined.

My purpose in life changed dramatically with the birth of our firstborn son, and now our two other children. Now, one of my top goals in life has quickly become to spend as much time with our children as I can and to love them with everything I’ve got.

As a parent, I can’t help but think of my hopes and dreams for my children. This gets me thinking about what I’m praying for their life and future.

Our greatest hope for them would be that we would live out genuine faith in front of them that would build a deep legacy of faith in their hearts that would always stay with them.

Over the next five days, I want to share the five prayers that I pray for our children. I hope these will guide you in your prayers for your own children. Maybe these will inspire you in what your regular prayers for your children will be, and maybe you will add some of your own prayers in addition to these.

Most of all, I pray “that our children would know the joy of a close relationship with God.”

The greatest joy and most meaningful part of my own life is walking closely with God. I yearn for our children to know this profound joy and overwhelming sense of meaning that comes from walking closely with God, more than anything else I want for their life.

I pray they would know the joy of walking with Jesus:

The joy of daily communication with God.

The joy of hearing from God through His Word.

The joy of sensing God’s presence in the midst of everyday life.

The joy of sensing God’s purpose and direction in their life, and following and obeying that calling.

The joy of worshiping Jesus with every part of their life.

There is no greater desire I have for our children than that they would walk with God, and live to worship Jesus with everything they are.

The Apostle Paul talked about this joy when he said: “I consider everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ.” (Philippians 3:8)


วันที่ 2


What to Pray For Your Children

No words can express how amazing it is to hold your newborn child in your arms. Parenting is such a holy and life-changing opportunity. One of the most powerful things a parent can give their child is their prayers for them. In this 5-day Bible plan, Evangelist Matt Brown shares 5 powerful prayers you can pray for your children every day.
