Repair & Restore: 5-Day Devo for Moms & Daughtersตัวอย่าง

Repair & Restore: 5-Day Devo for Moms & Daughters

วันที่ 2 จาก 5


Healing Through Forgiveness 

Have you ever noticed how people focus on the magnitude of an earthquake? The magnitude determines the extent of damage. And, in a similar fashion, the magnitude that you forgive others determines the degree of healing that occurs. Will that be a lot or a little? What does forgiveness do? It clears the air. It diffuses built-up anger. It builds a bridge between you.

The example you set with your mom or daughter is something you’ll want to do with your children or grandchildren as well. It creates an atmosphere for healthy family discussions and carries over into other relationships. The relationships you didn’t choose—the one between you and your mom—and the relationships you have chosen—your spouse or the father of your children—are all part of this.

The relationships in your life need the covering (much like outer layers) of forgiveness over each one, and you are the person to bring this to your family. Outer layers of plants and skin often protect, don’t they? Forgiveness acts as a barrier, a seal over your family. 

When forgiveness is in place, there aren’t any areas left open for anyone to bring up what’s in the past. It’s a protection from further hurt and an inner knowing that you have covered this ground between you.

Another way to think of it is wellness. Wellness means the absence of sickness. And a well-put-together relationship is one that is full of health. You have the opportunity to introduce wellness into your family where maybe it hasn’t been felt or seen before. You are an instrument of healing in this family. 

Forgiveness isn’t just an act we walk through; it’s a way of life we choose. To keep accounts between us clean and open. To mend a tear where it has ripped your family. To mend what appears to have shredded the communication between you.

Forgiveness often isn’t a one-time thing—we hurt each other, and it’s not usually just once. Continuing to seek relationship with one another will be a lifeline between you. The relationship is more important than being right.

You are the first step in making this healing happen, and you are more capable than you might imagine. You have more influence than you probably give yourself. When you initiate forgiveness, not only will it free you, but it shows you have qualities of a leader that are respectable and desirable. You are helping the other person see that being vulnerable together is far better than being vulnerable alone. 

How will you position your heart to receive healing and then seek to forgive or ask forgiveness of another from the healing you have from God? Are you in a place to receive more from God or have you closed yourself off? We can’t be responsible for someone else’s choices of whether they will forgive us or will receive the forgiveness we extend to them, but we can take care of our hearts without expectations of the other. 


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Repair & Restore: 5-Day Devo for Moms & Daughters

Relationships between mothers and daughters can be fraught with hurt, tension, and miscommunication. These devotions offer conversation starters to speak life into your relationship with your mother or daughter. Discover powerful words that usher in healing for wounded hearts and rebuild, restore, and reconcile your connection.
