Flourish in Kinship: A 5-Day Journey Through Ruthตัวอย่าง

Flourish in Kinship: A 5-Day Journey Through Ruth

วันที่ 5 จาก 5

Day 5


The book of Ruth is a beautiful picture of Jesus being foreshadowed through the person of Boaz, who shows up at the moment of greatest need to extend grace, mercy, generosity, and love by “buying” Ruth into a family and meeting her greatest earthly needs. Boaz is literally called a “kinsman-redeemer”. In other words, a next-of-kin who was able to give Ruth a hope and a future. Through their bloodline would come King David and through the line of David would come Jesus Christ, the perfect Kinsman-Redeemer whose perfect blood would buy us into an eternal family and give us a hope and a future, now and forever!

Both Naomi and Ruth had experienced much loss and were doing all they could to make it on their own. Boaz stands in and pays the price for both; Naomi to be restored to her land, and for Ruth, a foreigner and gentile to share the same rights. Boaz’s actions represent Jesus’ on the cross and the price He paid so that ALL people could become sons and daughters of the Most High, heirs of Christ Jesus!

Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. We see all of these represented in the story of Ruth, Boaz, and Naomi – beautifully intertwined into this story of redemption. These are all within you, as well through salvation and the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life, being beautifully intertwined into your own story.

Write out a prayer of praise and thanks today to Jesus for your redemption!

If you’ve enjoyed this five-day reading plan from FLOURISH, be sure to check out our other plans!

Flourish in Identity 

Flourish in The Word 

Flourish in Prayer 


วันที่ 4


Flourish in Kinship: A 5-Day Journey Through Ruth

Our lives are filled with relationships, and we were created to be in close community with others. This five-day journey help us understand that as we depend on Christ to do within us that which we cannot do on our own, we (and our relationships) will be strengthened and filled with the fruit of the Spirit.

