30 Day Prayer Challengeตัวอย่าง

30 Day Prayer Challenge

วันที่ 10 จาก 30


There is a wrestling match we're involved in, my friend, and our opponent, Satan, doesn't like to lose. This may seem like a cause for trepidation in your life, but you need not fear Satan's assault. Each time we engage in spiritual battle with the enemy of our souls, we seize a grand opportunity for spiritual growth - in our minds, in our hearts, and in our lives. We become more vigilant about praying for power to defeat him and as a result, step into the next spiritual battle much stronger than we were before.

In this sense, prayer is not only worship and work, prayer is warfare! That is why God gave us a powerful weapon in prayer - prayer as a covering, prayer as a source of strength, and prayer as a means to stand firm in the fiercest battles!

In praying for protection, we come before God, requesting for Him to serve as our shield, our strength, our fortress, our deliverer, our strong tower, and a very present help in time of need. When we pray protection, we do so humbly in recognition of our weakness and vulnerability.

We need God's strength and protection every day to combat the devil's schemes. It is foolish to enter into battle without protection, especially when God has given us specific weapons for our warfare. Prayer is the invisible energy, the invisible force that is the key to victory.

Spend your prayer time today praying a covering of protection upon yourself and those closest to you.


Listen to prayer

Find peace, purpose and strength with Jesus in prayer. 


วันที่ 9วันที่ 11


30 Day Prayer Challenge

The purpose of this devotional is to motivate you to return to prayer and challenge you to pray boldly and consistently for 30 days. As you embark on this journey to reignite your prayer life, I pray that God would open your heart so that prayer becomes an essential part of your life. I truly believe that one month from now your life and the lives of those you love will be changed!
