Fasting & Praying - Why & How?ตัวอย่าง

Fasting & Praying - Why & How?

วันที่ 6 จาก 6

Let go 🤗 

Do you believe that prayer can help us let go of what we can’t control? I am convinced that praying is (re)giving God the right to be God in our lives.

Matthew 6:6 is a verse that I love, and that I enjoy experiencing in my own life: ““But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.””

God desires to spend time with you. He waits for you in your secret place. Come into this place and entrust your worries, your burdens, to the Lord. Then leave this place and learn to let things go. We often want to humanly control everything. But when God is in charge, it makes a huge difference!

I was recently in a foreign country, and things were not going well...So, I went into the room I was renting and there, fell to my knees. I cried and poured out my heart before the Lord, giving my situation to Him. I got back on my feet different. That day, my flight had been canceled, and I had to stay another day in that country. I should’ve been very unhappy. But I knew from then on that everything would work together for my good. The company offered me the best hotel in the city (a palace much better than my Airbnb) with meals included...There, I met a friend who was also staying at that hotel, as if by chance, and we spent a wonderful time together. The next day, my flight back to France had a layover in another location. But that gave me the opportunity to be seated next to one of the best-known TV anchormen in France, to listen to him, and to share my faith with him for over 3 hours! He was so touched that he told me, “This isn’t a’s like you were meant to be here.” Tell me about it! Ha ha! 

Today, you too, pray and put the God of the impossible in the center of your life again. God doesn’t simply want to lift you up...He wants to surprise you with His goodness!

Thanks for existing!
Eric Célérier

P.S. This is the final day of this reading plan in this Bible app. I invite you to subscribe to 'A Miracle Every Day' to continue receiving an encouraging message every day. To subscribe, click here! You will receive an E-book after your subscription. 

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วันที่ 5


Fasting & Praying - Why & How?

This week, we will talk about a subject few enjoy bringing up...fasting! Many people believe it is surely good for others, "but not for me." Let's take a look at what the Bible says about fasting and praying. You will discover practical ways on how to start with something Jesus also did a lot!
