Restoring Life: Part 2ตัวอย่าง

Restoring Life: Part 2

วันที่ 5 จาก 5

Run The Race

You’ve made it through surgery and your body is on the road to recovery. But there is still a greater work yet to be done. You may feel overwhelmed as you look at the long, winding road before you. You’re probably experiencing pain during your recovery as well. But without the hard recovery step, we wouldn’t experience the prize of restoration. And before you can step into recovery, surgery has to take place. Each step is necessary in its own way.

The truth is that recovery is hard work. Just like our relationship with Christ can be hard work. It takes effort and intentionality. But in the end, it’s worth everything we put in.

This surgery is merely a bump in your race. One of many bumps you will probably face in your lifetime. Therefore, endurance is necessary. Endurance to run the race set before us and run it well. Endurance to face each bump with confidence. The kind of confidence that comes from the Lord. 

We can have confidence that Jesus carries our burdens for us, allowing us to run further and faster than we ever could on our own. Because it is through Christ’s power alone that we are able to experience restoration and healing. Just as He endured the cross, He endures our pain. 

As you continue in your recovery season, continue to look to Jesus, the perfecter of our faith, for encouragement and renewed strength. Continue to run the race set before you with endurance, determined to honor God with everything you do and remembering that He is the strength inside us. He is the one who we are able to do all things through. Because He is able to do far more than we could ever imagine in our wildest dreams. 

วันที่ 4


Restoring Life: Part 2

Over 200 million people will face surgery this year alone. An overwhelming and sometimes scary experience, thankfully we can turn to the Bible for encouragement and peace. As you aim to correct your physical ailment, a worldly temporary restoration, allow this plan to fuel your spiritual, eternal restoration. This dual purpose will be unpacked over the next 5 days as you walk through the healing steps of post-operative surgery.  
