Matthew 6

He wha hears prayer can weel teach it! Ane soudna hae twa maisters, nor be sair trauchled aboot things oʼ the yirth.
1“Tak tent no to do yere gude warks iʼ the sicht oʼ men, that ye may be seen by them; else hae ye tint reward frae yere Faither wha is in Heeven.
2“Whan, than, ye wad do a gude wark, dinna hae a bugle‐horn soondit afore ye, as the pretenders div in kirks and merkits, that they may be roosed oʼ men. Truly say I tʼye, they hae gotten aʼ their reward!
3“But whan ye wad do a gude wark, lat yere left haun no jalouse what yere richt haun is thrang wiʼ!
4“That yere gude warks may be dune hidlins; and yere Faither wha sees iʼ the hidlin place, sal his ain sel reward ye.
5“And whaneʼer ye pray be‐na as the pretenders; for weel they like to pray iʼ the kirks, and at the corners oʼ the braid causeys, sae as folk soud see them. Aye, aye! say I; they hae gotten their reward!
6“But ye, whan ye wad pray, gang intil yere bower; and, steekin yere door, pray till yere Faither wha is iʼ the hidlin place; and yere Faither, wha sees iʼ the hidlin place, sal his ain sel reward ye!
7“And in yere prayin, rhyme‐na things ower and ower, incontinent, like the heathen‐folk: for they trow gin that they speak eneuch, they sal be heard.
8“Come‐na than to be like tae them; for yere Faither kens weel aʼ yere needs, eʼen afore ye ask him.
9“And sae pray ye: ‘Faither oʼ us a,’ biding Aboon! Thy name be holie!
10“ ‘Lat thy reign begin! Lat thy wull be dune, on the Yirth as in Heeven!
11“ ‘Gie us ilka day oor needfuʼ fendin.
12“ ‘And forgie us aʼ oor ill deeds, as we eʼen forgae thae wha did us ill:
13“ ‘And lat us no be siftit; but save us frae the #6:13 “Frae the Ill‐Ane” raither read, than frae “ill” in general. Sae oor best authorities. And “the croon, and the micht, and the glorie,” isna fund in mony ancient copies; but seems natheless to hae been generally used iʼ the kirks.Ill‐Ane! For the croon is thine ain, and the micht and the glorie, for evir and evir, Amen!’
14“For gin ye be forgiean men their fauts, yere Faither in Heeven wull eʼen forgie you.
15“But gif ye are no forgiean men their fauts, nae mair wull yere Faither forgie our fauts.
16“And again, whan ye are fastin, ye arena to be as the pretenders, wiʼ wae iʼ yere faces; for they mar their looks, that they may kythe afore men as fastin. Aye, aye! say I, they too hae their reward!
17“But ye, whan ye fast, snod yere heid, and freshen yere face;
18“That ye, be‐na seen by men to be fastin, but seen oʼ yere Faither wha is eʼen iʼ the hidlin place: and yere Faither, wha sees iʼ the hidlin place, his ain sel sal reward ye.
19“Lay‐na up gear for yersels on the yirth whaur the moth and the rust can mak awa wiʼt, and whaur thieves howk throwe and steal.
20“But lay ye up gear in Heeven, whaur nae moth and nae rust can mak‐awa wiʼt, and whaur thieves canna howk throwe nor steal.
21“For whaur your treasur lies, eʼen thar yere heart wull be!
22“The lamp oʼ the hail body is the ee; than, gin aiblins yere ee is aefauld and leal, yere hail body is fuʼ oʼ licht.
23“But gin yere ee be dooble and ill, yere hail body bides iʼ the mirk. Gin, than, the vera licht within ye is but gloom, hoo unco great is the gloom!
24“Nae man can tak service wiʼ twa maisters; for aither he wull lichtlie the ane, and loʼe the ither; or incontinent he wull haud by the ane, and care‐na for the ither. Ye canna be in Godʼs service, and Mammonʼs as weel!
25“Wharfor say I tʼye, Be‐na sair fashʼd wiʼ cark and care anent yere life — what you are to eat and what ye are to drink! nor yet for yere body, hoo ye are to be cleedit! Isna the life mair nor the meat? and the body mair nor the cleedin?
26“Look ye to the wee birdies iʼ the lift; for they naither saw nor shear, nor lead intil the barn; and yet yere Heevenlie Faither gies them meat. Are‐ye‐na a hantle better nor they?
27“And wha amang ye, be he nevir sae fain, could mak his sel a span heigher?
28“And anent cleedin; why soud ye hae sae muckle cark and care? Look weel at the lilies oʼ the lea, hoo they growe; they toil‐na, nor spin;
29“And yet say I, that Solomon in aʼ his glorie was‐na buskit braw like ane oʼ thae!
30“Noo than, gin God sae cleed the foggage, (the day on the lea, and the morn brunt iʼ the oven), hoo muckle mair you, O ye oʼ the smaʼ faith!
31“Sae be‐na sair trauchlʼt in yere mind, sayin, ‘What sal we eat?ʼ or ‘What sal we drink?ʼ or ‘Hoo sal we be cleedit?’
32“For oʼ aʼ thae things div the Nations seek eftir; but yere Heevenlie Faither kens weel that ye need aʼ thae things.
33“But seek ye first oʼ aʼ Godʼs reign and Godʼs richtousness; and aʼ thir things sal be addit till ye.
34“Hae than nae wearin‐care anent the day to come: for the morn wull hae care oʼ its ain. Eneuch for the day is its ain ill!


Matthew 6: SCO1904





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