Courageous Humility Pt. 1Намуна

Courageous Humility Pt. 1

DAY 14 OF 30

Reading this Scripture we are reminded God created the Most Holy Place where only the high priest could enter one a year, after certain preparations. Similar to the regulations for entering the holiest place of God, the kingdom Xerxes ruled had regulations for entering the king’s presence. If entering uninvited, death was a risk. Why was Esther willing to enter and risk her life? For her people. 

She was already in good standing with the king, yet she did not want those she loved to be lost by death. Her courage was activated by compassion, her follow through supported by her own fasting, and petitioning the same support from those she hoped to save. 

As I read this, do I know I have the ability to enter boldly, like Esther, into the presence of our King Jesus? Hebrews 10:19 – 22 shares: 

And so, dear brothers and sisters,[a] we can boldly enter heaven’s Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus. 20: By his death,[b] Jesus opened a new and life-giving way through the curtain into the Most Holy Place. 21: And since we have a great High Priest who rules over God’s house, 22: let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him. 

Prayer: Dear Lord, help us unpack Scripture around Your presence. Right now, in the name of Jesus Christ, I ask You to stir hearts to enter boldly into Your presence. Help souls to see and understand this is a right, an inheritance accompanying the Salvation You have provided. Compel us to courageously enter Your presence on a daily basis, not just once a week. Where hearts and minds have a difficult time entering Your presence due to shame, fear, guilt or embarrassment, I ask those feeling dissolve and the enemy no longer use them to create a buffer between You and Your Bride. Where souls struggle to believe it is impossible to enter Your presence, remind them of Your Scripture. Lead us to Your Words, and reaffirm for us Your presence is for us today. Thank you Jesus, amen!

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About this Plan

Courageous Humility Pt. 1

Be strong. Be Alert. Be Courageous. These words are the premise of this 30 day study where you will uncover God's desire for you to call out to Him and trust He will hear. Not only hear, but set you on sure footing, a path He sets before you, for your sake and the sake of those around you. From there you will dig into Scripture around what it means to courageously step into God's presence, how to do so, and what you can expect as a result of going into His presence. Finally, you will be encouraged to step towards the healing Christ offers, both individually, and as the collective Bride of Christ. Each day you will be encouraged to ask questions, seek answers in God and His Word, and identify the step YOU sense the Holy Spirit compelling you to take. Courage accompanies ACTION, and Christ reveals to us where to move next, while the Holy Spirit empowers us to do so!
