A Healthy Look At Sex & Romance Намуна

The first few chapters of Genesis give us important insight into God’s vision and values. We marvel at the creation of man, the observation and determination that he should not be alone, the creation of woman, and the institution of marriage. All of this by the second chapter!
Genesis 1:27 states, “So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them.” It’s one of life’s great blessings that God would allow us to create. And we do with great joy! Have you considered that anything you DO is "creativity"? Not only did God gift us the ability to create, but in His likeness, we are blessed with imaginations that express every emotion. Yes, our Creator in His wisdom made each of us a creator in our own sphere of influence.
Our marriage relationships each have unique creative power when we walk in unity s a couple. As husband and wife share a common purpose, there is little they cannot accomplish together. This was God’s intention for marriage from the beginning: His plan was for the Garden of Eden to be established throughout the whole world as Adam and Eve lived in harmony and expressed their creative imaginations together.
A marriage based on godly values and purposes is given incredible creativity. Matthew 18:20 states, “Where two or three of you are gathered together in My name, there I am in the midst of you.” Marital intimacy (sexual and spiritual) invites God’s presence into our midst. This partnership between a husband, wife, and God first results in a new dimension of unity, creativity, and power. The holy union of three then turns their attention outward, impacting the world for Christ. God’s empowerment in a couple fully submitted to Him and each other is destined to attract attention, drawing others to a saving knowledge of Him.
Creating a marriage that flourishes with the creative power of God’s presence requires time. As you juggle children, careers, family, and life in general, remember to reserve enough time and energy to take care of each other’s needs. Some days this will mean being sexually intimate, but other times it will be a listening ear or a shared opinion or some simple encouragement. As you partner with God and each other, your marriage will grow in intimacy and the creative power as He intended! (This is me and my wife, Deb, on our 25th anniversary - we just celebrated our 40th!)
This Plan was created to help guide you in the exploration of the Bible. While healthy lifestyle ideas may be presented, we recommend consulting your physician before making any changes to your diet or exercise routine.
About this Plan

In this four-day plan, Dr. Bob DeMaria shares how regaining your health is the foundation to restore the pursuit of your spouse and relationship with God.
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