BibleX: The Wisdom Books Намуна

LEARN: Watch the video to solidify your understanding of this study's content.
1. How does it feel knowing that most of what you strive for in life is described as useless and “utterly meaningless?”
2. What does a life of moderation and contentment look like?
How do you encourage these characteristics in your life and in the lives of those around you?
3. The writer of Ecclesiastes has wrongly been viewed by some as old and bitter, and because of this, many disregard his message. How do you sometimes reject a valid message because you reject the messenger?
4. What many see as a depressing book can actually be seen as a liberating one, for we are encouraged to let go of things that don't last and are meaningless. Of the things you strive for in life, which are meaningless and which are lasting?
About this Plan

In this BibleX study, you will explore the wisdom books of Psalm, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job. You will study portions of Scripture, learn the key points by viewing a short video, and grow by applying the Scripture’s teachings to your life. BibleX is a free resource to help expand your knowledge of the Bible.
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