Shine Like Stars: Devotions From Time of GraceНамуна

Shine Like Stars: Devotions From Time of Grace

DAY 13 OF 33

Speech That Shines: God's stars manage their anger

It takes no brains to lose your temper. It is so easy to go off on someone else, even someone you work with or live with, even someone you love. Angry words cut. They destroy love, destroy trust, destroy joy. Once out, they are like toothpaste--impossible to get back in. They live forever in people's memories and come back to haunt you over and over.

How do you find your temper again once you've lost it? Here are St. James' words of counsel for tongue use: "Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires" (James 1:19,20).

You can't unspeak angry words. What you as a Christian star can do is acknowledge responsibility for your previous temper outbursts, ask for forgiveness, and grow in the grace of tongue control. You can rebuke the selfishness in your own heart that thinks that the universe is all about YOU. You can grow in a Christ-like servant mind-set that uses ears a lot and the tongue to build up, not tear down.

Start right now--who around you needs a word of kindness from you today?


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About this Plan

Shine Like Stars: Devotions From Time of Grace

We are Christians because God chose us; decided to love us in spite of our sin; and sent Jesus to live, die, and rise again for our forgiveness. Belonging to God means changing our sinful ways. This reading plan will help you make those changes in your behavior and life so that you shine like stars.
