Unhooked: Holy in a Hookup WorldНамуна

Week 2: Find Worth
Welcome to week 2 of Unhooked! In week 1, you reflected on the hurts you’ve endured in intimate relationships, and you pursued healing. Now you’re moving closer to seeing and accepting your true worth. By virtue of being created in God’s image, you are of infinite value. Spend this week declaring that truth—and refuse to compromise with people and situations that compromise you.
Day 8: Value
But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. –Romans 5:8
Marriage is the most intimate human relationship.
It’s a complete gift of self; a union that turns two people into one. It’s a context in which a woman and a man can know and love each other fully.
Dating is designed to lead to that. But have you ever dated someone who didn’t really love you?
Most single adults have encountered at least one person who doesn’t make time for them. Maybe someone never considers your feelings. Or they reap the benefits of your commitment without ever committing to you. These behaviors don’t communicate that you’re valuable.
But you are.
You are created in God’s image. He knew you before you were born. He knit you together in your mother’s body and decided He would die for you. You are that valuable to God.
All significant others should treat you accordingly. And they shouldn’t create conditions in which you doubt your value—or your importance to them changes based on their mood or need.
But if they have, know this: a person’s decision to treat you poorly isn’t a commentary on your worth—it’s an inappropriate response to it.
You’ll know an appropriate response to your worth when you see it. It will remind you of God’s love. It will be modeled after it: total, sacrificial, unconditional.
He or she will be ready to receive you—because you are a gift.
That doesn’t change just because somebody treats you like you aren’t.
Thank You, God, for deciding that I am of incredible worth—for proving it by sending your Son to die for me. Help me to respond appropriately to other people’s worth and to be patient while I wait to date someone who responds appropriately to my worth.
Have you ever settled for a relationship that wasn’t as holy or healthy as God created relationships to be? Why do you think you were willing to settle? What does a relationship look like when done God’s way?
About this Plan

Take 40 days to look more deeply at the parts of your heart that need to be healed—so you can break the cycle of a broken heart and thrive in your singleness. While intimate relationships are designed to remind you of God’s love for you, living them out in a fallen world often results in wounds. This plan will help you move closer to Christ, in your pursuit of hope and healing.