Unhooked: Holy in a Hookup WorldНамуна

Unhooked: Holy in a Hookup World

DAY 14 OF 40

Day 14: Love


For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. –John 3:16


Children trust deeply.

They ask for help when they need it, without shame. They dance when there’s music, without fear. They jump and don’t doubt that their mom or dad will catch them.

That’s what faith looks like when we follow Christ’s call in Matthew 18:3: “Become like little children.” Children trust like that when they know how loved they are.

There is no penalty for them when they ask for help. They exist and dance without judgment when their caregivers love them and keep them safe. Consistent parents who are all in don’t keep their love a secret.

Neither does God, your Father.

He “showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” –Romans 5:8

His “unfailing love and faithfulness came through Jesus Christ.” –John 1:17

His love for us allows us to love others and ourselves.

“We love each other because he loved us first.” –1 John 4:19

This equips us to receive love, too.

Because God is reliable. He has surprised you, over and over, by getting you through everything you’ve gone through.

He knows everything you’ve ever done. Everything you’ve ever said. Everything you’ve ever thought. And He has never walked away.

Do you know what this means? It means you are freely, completely, and truly loved.

You can ask for help when you need it. You can be who He created you to be. You can take leaps of faith.

And you can know that you are worth what He says you are worth—even the life of His dearly loved Son.


Sometimes, Lord, I have so much on my mind that I forget to reflect on Your love for me. But it’s Your love that frees me to trust You, and equips me to love others and myself. Thank you for never keeping Your love for me a secret.


What do you think of yourself when you remember how much God loves you? What can you do to keep His love for you at the forefront of your mind?

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About this Plan

Unhooked: Holy in a Hookup World

Take 40 days to look more deeply at the parts of your heart that need to be healed—so you can break the cycle of a broken heart and thrive in your singleness. While intimate relationships are designed to remind you of God’s love for you, living them out in a fallen world often results in wounds. This plan will help you move closer to Christ, in your pursuit of hope and healing.
