Transforming Encounters: The 40-Day Challenge (Luke)Намуна

Transforming Encounters: The 40-Day Challenge (Luke)

DAY 2 OF 41

Every meeting takes place between two or more people. Spontaneous or prearranged, the participants may have different impressions or reactions.

In Luke 2: 8-20 we read the announcement of an event in which a meeting is hidden in the background. With splendor and glory, Heaven descends over the pastures where shepherds dwell with their flocks. They are frightened and confused by what they hear and see, but the Angel encourages them: “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” When their hearts calmed down, they left their flocks and hurried to Bethlehem to see the Child. Finding the family with the Child laid in the manger, they knew they were in the right place.

The report does not tell us how long they stayed in Bethlehem, but they made their experience known to the people. Everyone wondered at their story of what had happened, and the shepherds returned to their herd glorifying and praising God for the news they had heard, and the sight that confirmed it.

The shepherds could not verbally talk with the newborn Jesus, but that meeting visibly changed them. How do we communicate with Jesus today? And do we change when we meet him?

Decide that in the coming days you will open yourself to the possibility of meeting Jesus in places and moments when you least expect him.


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About this Plan

Transforming Encounters: The 40-Day Challenge (Luke)

Transforming Encounters presents 40 encounters with Jesus from the Gospel of Luke. Different people meet Jesus in different life circumstances. They come to Jesus with their questions, needs, doubts or challenges. Some encounters are individual, others as a group, or in the midst of a crowd. An encounter with Jesus always changes, encourages, challenges. 40 authors investigate what happens in each of these encounters, and find a message for us.
