Between BordersНамуна

Between Borders

DAY 4 OF 5

Who’s Our Neighbors

God created every single human being. Every. Single. One.

That means every person you love dearly. And every person you don’t!

God loves each one of us so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to earth to die on a cross for our sins. Over and over throughout Scripture, we are commanded to “love one another.”

This includes strangers and foreigners. In fact, He especially expects us to help those in need. In Deuteronomy 14:28-29, God tells the Israelites:

“At the end of every three years, bring all the tithes of that year’s produce and store it in your towns, so that the Levites (who have no allotment or inheritance of their own) and the foreigners, the fatherless, and the widows who live in your towns may come and eat and be satisfied, and so that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hands.” (NIV)

As you read the other Scripture passages for today’s study, ask yourself: What is your attitude regarding foreigners and immigrants? Do you consider yourself to be free of prejudice? Has reading and putting God’s Word into practice resulted in changed (or changing) attitudes?

Make this your prayer today: “God, may I have your heart for ALL people. May I look at everyone I see today with your eyes and with your heart. Remind me that we are ALL made in your image. Thank you for your love for me … and for every single human being. Amen.”

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About this Plan

Between Borders

BETWEEN BORDERS is a film based on the riveting true story of an Armenian family who faced persecution in the Soviet Union. The story shares a glimpse of the difficulties immigrants often face as they search for safety and peace. Through their involvement in a small church in Russia, they experience comfort, encouragement, and faith that God had a plan for their lives. This plan reveals ways we can help others in similar situations.
