Pause and Pray: 9 Days of the Fruit of the SpiritНамуна

Let’s Share Jesus’ Patience
Our faith journey is about waiting. But often, we blame God for the wait and question his timing when he is waiting on us or others to shift into alignment with the plan he has for us. God gave us free will, and Satan is working every moment to bend our choices toward his evil ways.
Often, we question what would have happened if we had done this or not done that. We can’t unring the bell or create a do-over, but we can learn from the choices that were not of God. We can prevent many if-only moments in our lives by making choices in alignment with God. So pointing the finger at God because his timing seems too long is pointing the finger in the wrong direction. We should point in our own direction and at those around us who are preventing God’s plan from unfolding. If we wait patiently for God’s timing, Scripture assures us that we will obtain God’s promised blessings.
Today’s color of the day is pink. Whenever you see something pink, find a way to share Jesus’ patience with someone around you. Consider allowing someone to go in front of you in line. And then at 1:11 p.m., pause and pray with believers around the world, thanking God for the patience he has given you.
Jesus of patience, help us temper our patience, knowing you are just waiting for us all to shift into alignment so that you can move mountains as we boldly and expectantly pray.
About this Plan

Because of our overscheduled lives, many Christians relish God’s Word on Sunday but struggle to find time to walk with Jesus throughout the week. In these nine devotions, Bobbie Cox offers practical reminders to cultivate the fruit of the Spirit, encouraging you to reflect Jesus’ character every day. One small change today can become a habit that will extend Jesus’ hope to everyone around you.
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