God Sees You: Lessons From Leah a 5 - Day Plan by Kerry-Ann LewisНамуна

God Sees You: Lessons From Leah a 5 - Day Plan by Kerry-Ann Lewis

DAY 2 OF 5

Making Something Out of Nothing

“Leah’s eyes were delicate, but Rachel was beautiful of form and appearance” (v.17). Nobody likes being compared, especially in an unfavorable light. Yet, chances are, Leah had experienced this all her life. Maybe you can relate? She was probably accustomed to being overlooked and rejected in favor of her sister. Yet, God was about to turn that around...

We looked at the fact that Leah may have been invisible, even insignificant to others, but God saw all of this...and He cared. According to verse 31 of Genesis 29, when God saw that Leah was unloved, He opened her womb, but her sister Rachel was barren. Did He hate Rachel? Of course not! But He knew that Leah was at a disadvantage, and He chose to help her out. In that culture, women who were barren were seen in an unfavorable light. For Leah, to be lacking in beauty and to be barren would not have been a nice combination. So, He opened her womb. In so doing, God took away her shame and further rejection. But He did not stop there. By the time Leah realized that having children was not going to help her gain her husband’s love, she shifted her focus to the God who was blessing and honoring her and called her fourth child Judah, which means praise. This child was the bloodline through which the Messiah would come. God not only blessed her by opening her womb but continued to honor her long after she was gone! The sister who seemed destined for a life of insignificance and invisibility was the one through whom God would do great and mighty things! He would make something beautiful out of a life that was lacking in beauty; He would make favorable the one who was lacking in favor.

You may be feeling insignificant, even invisible,e today. You may feel constantly overlooked and rejected. It seems as if other people always have the advantage over you. Yet, believe it or not, God sees you and wants to do great and beautiful things in and through your life, a life that seems insignificant and unimportant. It’s not over. God is not finished with you yet!


Thank You, Father, that You see what seems invisible and insignificant and that You turn what may seem ugly into something of beauty and value. Thank You, God, for the beautiful things that You have already done and are going to do in my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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About this Plan

God Sees You: Lessons From Leah a 5 - Day Plan by Kerry-Ann Lewis

There are times when we may feel invisible, overlooked, rejected. Yet even though we are invisible to others, we are very much seen and loved by our heavenly Father. This five-day devotional by Kerry-Ann Lewis is a reminder that God is not limited by your invisibility in the eyes of others. He sees, knows, and cares and has a beautiful plan and purpose mapped out just for you.
