

DAY 20 OF 30

Imagine you’re driving down the road on your way to someplace you’ve never been before, and your GPS decides you need to start halfway there! If your computerized guide doesn’t begin at the beginning, it’s worthless. It’s hard to get from here to there if you can’t agree on where “here” is! On any journey, the beginning is important. This is especially true when it comes to seeking out wisdom. The Bible tells us that before we can be truly wise, we must first learn to fear the Lord. It’s the beginning, our starting point, and the first step in our direction.

What does it mean to fear God? It means that we live in awe of who He is—our Maker, Savior, and King. It means we recognize His power, His beauty, and His goodness. And it means we care, first and foremost, what He thinks of us, not what other people may think (or what we think other people may think!). God is awesome, good, and holy. If we can get that one bit right, if we put the full weight of our lives on that, then we’re ready to be truly wise. It’s our starting point, and everything else follows from there.


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About this Plan


History tells many stories of drama regarding kings and queens. This governmental system of power and our fascination with it has existed throughout history—even in Biblical times. In this devotional, we’re going to take a closer look at some of the reigns of the kings who ruled over God’s people and what we can learn from the lives and reigns of the people who led God’s people over the centuries.
