Build Like Nehemiah Pt.2Намуна

Dismissing the Concerns of Your Team?.... Big Mistake
One of my pet peeves is when people misquote the Bible and/or use a verse completely out of its context. An example of this is:
Matthew 12:30 - Anyone who isn’t with me opposes me, and anyone who isn’t working with me is actually working against me. (NLT)
This verse is often used to shut down any form of criticism, constructive or otherwise, whether it be from outsiders or people with genuine and honest concerns. Leaders who use this verse and its implied non-contextual approach to determine the commitment level of the people they work with, tend to act harshly and dismissively toward their team members.
To be clear, I am not dismissing the words of Jesus. When read in its proper context, one finds that Jesus’ words in Matthew 12:30 are in response to an accusation by the Pharisees that He got his power from Satan.
Matthew 12: 24 - But when the Pharisees heard about the miracle, they said, “No wonder he can cast out demons. He gets his power from Satan, the prince of demons.” (NLT)
Jesus’ response to people who were in support of what He was doing was the following:
Mark 9:40 - Anyone who is not against us is for us. (NLT)
So how does this relate to our passage in Nehemiah? In today’s passage, we read that the people in Judah began to complain halfway through the building project. Those who lived near the enemy became afraid and feared being attacked.
Instead of Nehemiah dismissing their concerns and assuming that the Enemy was now working through them, he did two things. Firstly, he gave them practical solutions to their problems. He gave the people armed guards to protect their families.
Throughout the rest of the chapter, we read that Nehemiah changed the way the whole project was executed so that the people felt and were safe.
Secondly, he gave their souls spiritual food. He reminded them of the God they served and why they were embarking on the project in the first place.
Nehemiah 4:14 - Then as I looked over the situation, I called together the nobles and the rest of the people and said to them, “Don’t be afraid of the enemy! Remember the Lord, who is great and glorious, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes!” (NLT)
As leaders, this teaches us that we should not be dismissive of the concerns of the people we work with. When they raise concerns, it is our responsibility to find practical solutions to alleviate their concerns. It is also our role to remind them of who God is and the importance of the work we are doing. In a secular setting, we may not be able to point people to God but we can still reassure our colleagues and provide words of hope rather than discouragement.
Questions for reflection: Am I an approachable leader? Has my team raised any concerns with me? What have I done to address their problems? Am I dismissive? Have I asked the Holy Spirit to help me be more empathetic towards the people I lead?
About this Plan

What should have been a 10-year building project was completed in 52 days. How was this done? Part 2 of this devotional series will take you on a deep dive into the book of Nehemiah. You will walk away with practical steps taken from the life of Nehemiah, so that you, with the help of the Holy Spirit, can learn how to build faster and smarter.
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