A Year in Luke/ActsНамуна

The reaction to the gospel, and specifically the resurrection, continues today. NT Wright offers direction for us in light of Paul’s speech:
“Pontius Pilate had sneered at Jesus' claims. The Athenian judges ridiculed Paul. Many of our contemporaries today dismiss the Christian message, not least because of the shrill and shallow distortions on display in many places. But the dangerous truth of God's new creation is at work still. Our task in this next generation is to grasp, in faith, the larger world that the gospel reveals. We are called to explore it with delight; to expound and explain it at every opportunity; and especially to express it through the works of mercy, beauty, wisdom, and justice which, in displaying the new creation in advance, bear the unmistakable fingerprints of the risen Jesus.” (p123, The Challenge of Acts)
Let’s take time to journal and think on this today. What is the larger world revealed in the gospel? As we grasp this it can lead to reflection on how we can display the new creation in cultures that are hostile, or ignorant, of the good news about Jesus.
About this Plan

Spend a year immersed in Luke's account of Jesus's life and the spread of the gospel through his followers as the Spirit empowers them.
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