Hillsong: 40 Days of RevivalНамуна

Hillsong: 40 Days of Revival

DAY 12 OF 40

The Conversation of PRAYER


To 'fast' is to abstain from something specific for a particular reason. When we fast as Christians, we often do it to develop depth in our relationship with God. By denying our flesh something it craves, we can allow communion with God to satisfy us instead.

Legalism around fasting is pointless, as fasting is never an end to itself but an opportunity for us to put our God of grace first. Nonetheless, fasting can be a great tool for us to use to seek Him, and to set aside something that may be becoming a distraction to our time spent with God in prayer.

In the early church, we see that they fasted and prayed to hear from God and to intercede for Barnabas and Saul (Paul).

It is told that William J. Seymour, leader of the Azusa Street Revival in California in 1906, gathered with a small group of believers regularly to pray and fast to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. A few days into the fast and after praying all night, William began to speak in tongues. News of this spread and attracted people from everywhere.

Fasting looks different for each person, with the Holy Spirit at different times asking us to give up different things for a period of time. This could be social media, TV, movies, coffee, sugar etc. Fasting something is humbly saying no to the flesh and yes to the spirit. It should put our focus on God and not the thing we are giving up.

Allow God to prompt you regarding whether He would like you to fast from something for a while. Determine to use the extra time in prayer and in His presence, as we believe for people to come to know Him.


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About this Plan

Hillsong: 40 Days of Revival

This 40 day devotional is an entry-point for learning about our God and growing in our relationship with Him through the study of revival. We explore the attributes common to history's greatest revivals - being present, prayer, purity, power, personal sacrifice and praise - with hearts open to what they might teach us about God and our relationship with Him. Knowing God and His ways is the goal and the prize.

