DAY 5 OF 5


In times of sickness and adversity, faith has the power to sustain and uplift us. The pages of the Bible are replete with stories of individuals who, in the face of illness and infirmity, demonstrated unwavering faith in the power of God to heal and restore. Faith can bring to life what sickness is trying to kill. It can revive and resurrect every bit of your body to wholeness. In the crucible of sickness, may we cling to unwavering faith and may we dare to believe in the transformative power of faith to bring to life what sickness seeks to destroy, ushering in a new dawn of wholeness and vitality.

Woman with the Issue of Blood: Faith Renews

In the Gospel of Mark, we encounter a poignant incident of a woman who had suffered from a debilitating hemorrhage for twelve years. Despite consulting numerous physicians and exhausting her resources, her condition only worsened. However, her faith remained steadfast. Hearing of Jesus and believing in His power to heal, she courageously approached Him in the midst of a bustling crowd. With a simple touch of His garment, she was instantaneously healed. Jesus, acknowledging her faith, declared, "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering."

This account beautifully illustrates the transformative potency of unwavering faith. The woman's persistence amidst her prolonged suffering showcases the profound impact of believing in the healing power of God. Her story serves as a timeless reminder that, no matter how dire our circumstances may seem, faith has the ability to bring about miraculous healing and restoration.

Centurion's Servant: Faith Heals

Another compelling narrative of faith over sickness is found in Matthew's Gospel, where Jesus encounters a Roman centurion pleading for the healing of his paralyzed servant. Remarkably, the centurion, though a Gentile, exhibits profound faith in Jesus' authority, proclaiming, "Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. But just say the word, and my servant will be healed." Astonished by the centurion's faith, Jesus commends him, saying, "Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith." In that very moment, the servant is healed. This story underscores the universality of faith and the boundless reach of God's healing grace. The centurion's unwavering trust in Jesus transcended cultural barriers and elicited divine commendation. It serves as a powerful testament to the efficacy of faith in accessing God's miraculous intervention, irrespective of one's background or status.

Sickness Fades When Healing Dawns

In the furnace of affliction, where pain blurs the horizon and despair clouds the sky, cultivating trust in God's healing power becomes our lifeline. It's about daring to believe, even when circumstances scream otherwise, that God is not indifferent to our suffering but is intimately acquainted with every tear we shed and every ache we endure. So, in the crucible of trial, let us not despair, but instead, let us cultivate trust—trust in the God who whispers hope amidst the chaos, who extends His hand of healing to the broken, and who breathes life into the deadest of dreams. And in so doing, may we discover that in the arms of divine love, there is healing, there is restoration, and there is renewal beyond measure. Sickness has to fade away when the sun of righteousness dawns upon us.

Reflection Time:

  1. How did your belief in God's healing and restoring power uplift you during the moments of sickness?
  2. Consider areas where you may be experiencing stagnation, despair, or spiritual dryness. How might a deeper trust in God's ability to revive and resurrect every aspect of your being breathe new life into those areas?
  3. Reflect on areas of brokenness or disunity in your life—whether physical, emotional, relational, or spiritual. How can you cultivate a deeper trust in God's ability to bring healing, restoration, and wholeness to those areas?

Make it a point to trust that with God, healing is your right.

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About this Plan


Faith in our Lord Jesus is the ultimate characteristic that transforms an ordinary man into an extraordinary one. It is through faith in the Lord that many ordinary people have achieved the impossible. Whether it is laying down their lives for the Lord’s service or accomplishing noble acts in the world, faith is the substance that drives people to live exemplary lives. In this devotional, you will find ways to exercise your faith and experience the supernatural.
