Finger PrayerНамуна

Finger Prayer

DAY 4 OF 5

Finger Prayers to Making Use of Every Opportunity

In Ephesians 6:16-20, we are exhorted to “make good use of every opportunity you have, because these are evil days. Don’t be fools, then, but try to find out what the Lord wants you to do.”

The term ‘opportunity’ finds its roots in a Latin phrase signifying a favorable wind guiding ships into the harbor. We can picture opportunities as benevolent winds blowing in our direction. However, these favorable moments in life won’t naturally present themselves; instead, we must intentionally carve out time from our busy schedules to seize them. This deliberate act of creating space within the hustle and bustle of daily life is akin to an artist skillfully chiseling a masterpiece from a block of stone.

Scriptural Encouragement

By incorporating finger prayers into our daily routines, we align ourselves with the unchanging truths found in God’s Word. This disciplined approach helps us make good use of every opportunity, turning even mundane moments into spiritually enriching experiences.

The Bible provides us with unadulterated truth, encouraging us to tie these truths to our hands and foreheads, making them constant reminders. This practice is not merely symbolic but requires disciplined training. Deuteronomy 6:6-9 (MSG) says, “Tie them on your hands and foreheads as a reminder; inscribe them on the doorposts of your homes and on your city gates.” This directive emphasizes the importance of keeping God’s commandments at the forefront of our minds and actions.

Carving Out Time

The idea of carving out time is critical in a world where it's easy to say, “I don’t have time.” Despite everyone having the same 24 hours in a day, actively making time is what sets apart those who effectively utilize it. We need to be intentional about creating opportunities for prayer and self-reflection, especially during the so-called ‘dead’ times, such as waiting for a bus, enduring delays at a doctor’s office, or awaiting test results. These moments, often seen as wasted, can be transformed into valuable opportunities for spiritual growth and connection with God.

Finger prayers offer a simple and effective method to incorporate prayer into these carved-out moments. By allocating each finger to different prayer points, we can ensure that we are praying intentionally and comprehensively:

Thumb: Personal Events. Focus on immediate needs and desires.

Index Finger: Local Community. Pray for the welfare of those around us.

Middle Finger: City/State/Country. Recognize the broader impact of our surroundings.

Ring Finger: Future. Pray for the immediate hours, days, and the entirety of our lives.

Pinky Finger: Hard-Pressed Situations. Lift up the burdens weighing on us.

At our Fingertips

Practical Implementation

To practically implement finger prayers, start by assigning specific prayer points to each finger. As you go about your day, use these finger assignments as a reminder to pray. For example, while waiting in line, use your thumb to pray for personal needs or your ring finger to pray for the future. Additionally, incorporate physical gestures into your prayers. Touching your forehead with your index finger can symbolize seeking God’s wisdom while placing your thumb on your chest can represent your heart’s intentions. These gestures help focus your mind and deepen your connection with God.


Dear God, thank you for the uniqueness of our fingerprints and the way you have designed our bodies. Help us to use our fingers for your purposes, carving out time for prayer and reflection in our busy lives. Give us the discipline and wisdom to make good use of every opportunity, and train our hearts and minds to align with your will. Amen.


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About this Plan

Finger Prayer

In Psalm 144:1, David proclaims, “Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.” But did you know that our fingers are also an important tool for prayer? Our fingers are vital for completing everyday tasks, being our most used limbs. Our hands can play a significant role in our spiritual lives, helping us stay connected with our faith and the world around us.
