My Cup Overflows: Experiencing God's Comfort in Motherhood's Valleys Намуна

My Cup Overflows: Experiencing God's Comfort in Motherhood's Valleys

DAY 8 OF 8

“my cup overflows.” - Psalm 23:5

Even with a 12-week engagement, the wedding couldn’t come fast enough for me. Honestly, months before my now-husband proposed, we were just ready to be married! However, as we were longing for this day, we didn’t put our relationship on pause since we’d be married soon enough. Rather, we spent every second we could together! This might sound obvious, but I think we often neglect to apply this mentality to our relationship with Jesus.

In Psalm 23, the Psalmist David describes his experience of communion with God in his life, saying, “My cup overflows.” As we see in Psalm 23, it is possible now to be filled to overflowing with the joy and peace, and wonder that comes from a relationship with God.

And yet, often we are so overwhelmed by our circumstances that we miss out on the offering to go deeper with Jesus. We think once my kids are a little older or once I have more time for myself, then I’ll make time for Jesus. But in thinking this way, we are missing out on so much! Our cups don’t have to be empty. Like David’s, they can overflow.

One day, the Bible says, Jesus will return, and a marriage celebration will be held between him and his church. We will experience a unity and a closeness with Jesus that goes on in joy for eternity. And yet, while this day is coming, we do not neglect our relationship with Jesus in the meantime. Jesus is drawing us deeper into a relationship with him even now in anticipation for what’s to come!

Knowing and fellowshipping with Jesus gives a joy deeper and more real than anything else this life could offer. Today, remember that you don’t have to wait for satisfaction in your relationship with Jesus. Turn to him, and ask him to bring you deeper in your relationship. Our generous God loves to give of himself and pour out his love into our hearts.


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