Everyone Wants a MiracleНамуна

At home and abroad, people often ask us to share what we consider vital to reach the unevangelized millions of our generation. The answer to their question is found in the life and ministry of Christ and of the early church.
When Jesus began His public ministry, it was a ministry of miracles. His conception, birth, teachings, life, death, resurrection, appearances, and ascension—all were astounding and undeniable miracles.
When the Church began its ministry, it was a ministry of miracles. God did signs and wonders through the apostles, upsetting the religious systems of that day to the extent that even the Christ-rejecting Roman government trembled.
The Church had discovered that Christ, whom God raised from the dead, had the same power and worked the same miracles through them as He did before He was condemned and killed. He was alive again! He lived in them. He had not changed. He answered His followers’ prayers in His name. So, the sick were healed, the dead were raised, and demons were cast out.
Those first years of early church history, as recorded in the Acts of the Apostles, are an example for us until the Lord’s return. If Christianity does not have the supernatural, it has nothing to offer except religion, formality, ritual, and ceremony. That’s not biblical Christianity!
The Bible is a miracle book—a record of divine happenings. All of the major characters of Old Testament history were people who experienced miracles in response to their daring and active faith in God. Christianity began and is based on a succession of miracles. Miracles propagate Christianity as they satisfy the spiritual longing of men and women.
Human beings have not changed. I know because for over six decades, in over a hundred nations, our family has carried the gospel to multitudes, face-to-face. They have thronged our meetings. Millions have turned to the Lord because of the miracles they witnessed. They have come to know that the gospel is life. It is the heart and nature of Jesus Christ manifested and expressed in and through human persons. The gospel comes “not simply with words but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and deep conviction” (1 Thessalonians 1:5). It brings salvation. It brings peace. It brings hope. It brings miracles. You need only believe to experience the miracle of God’s presence in your life.
Lord, please help me to believe in miracles. I want to experience the miracle of Your presence in my life.
About this Plan

God is alive. He loves you. He yearns to reveal Himself to you. His miracles are proof of His love. As you read this devotional plan, we pray that you will know the miracle of Christ’s presence in your life. As you experience His supernatural power, be motivated to share the gospel with others.