Available - Alone or Together for God? Намуна

Available - Alone or Together for God?

DAY 2 OF 4

Partnership Model Single?

Have you ever gotten an abrasion? Wounds need immediate care, meaning they must be cleaned, disinfected, and protected with a bandage to prevent infection. A wound can only heal if it is free of bacteria. A harmless scratch can quickly become a festering sore if the wound is not cleaned.

It's no different from our emotional pain points. In a time where education takes longer, job mobility is a given, and marital bonds are seen as optional, more and more of us are single. If being single is a pain point for you, it’s important to address it promptly so that the "I would like a partner" wound does not become the festering sore of "I can't live without a partner. The fear that something is wrong with you if you don't find a partner, the unfulfilled desire for a family, the ticking biological clock, and other negative thoughts are like the bacteria that cause a painful infection. This resulting pus and inflammation prevent healing. These "bacteria" must be removed for the healing process to occur.

The Good Samaritan treated the man's wounds by the roadside with wine and oil and bandaged them. You can do the same. You don't have to be your own doctor; it's enough to acknowledge your painful wounds (from pressure to compare, self-blame, and identity issues) and take them to your doctor, Jesus. Jesus cleans and disinfects your wounds with His blood and protects you with the Holy Spirit. He binds and covers you with His mantle of righteousness. Once your wounds are professionally treated, bacteria is no longer an issue.

Hagar, Ruth, and the woman at the well were single in different ways. Each faced her own painful challenges. Hagar felt abandoned and alone in the desert, but God heard her crying and sent an angel to comfort her. Ruth lost her husband and was a foreigner in a strange land, but through her faith and loyalty, she found a new partner in Boaz and a secure future. The woman at the well sought fulfillment in changing relationships, but Jesus showed her that true fulfillment is only possible through Him.

All three allowed God to tend to their wounds and moved on healed. They found their identity and fulfillment in their relationship with God. God also has a plan for you. By recognizing our wounds and bringing them to Jesus, we can find healing and live in the fullness of His plan.

Next Step: Do you notice that being single has revealed wounds within you? Jesus knows what you’re talking about. He is your doctor—go to Him at the cross and let Him heal you.

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About this Plan

Available - Alone or Together for God?

How does God envision partnership? If God places families and couples under His special protection, what about singles? What does a healthy balance between self-love and love of neighbor have to do with happy partnerships? In this plan, you will find out how you can live out God's idea of community and partnership, even and especially as a single.
