The Roles of the Holy Spirit: A Study for TeensНамуна

The Roles of the Holy Spirit: A Study for Teens

DAY 3 OF 5


Scripture: Romans 8:22–27; Hebrews 7:23–28

Few things have taught me more about God the Father than being a dad of three kids. I believe one of the reasons the Lord gave me children was to help me understand Him better.

My kids have been growing up way too fast and becoming more independent every day! I can still remember when they were little toddlers and needed my help with everything. They couldn’t walk on their own, eat on their own, and they certainly couldn’t communicate on their own. They’d look at me and my wife and, with all their effort, try to tell us what they wanted. It was honestly funny sometimes to watch them struggle to tell us things. But over time, I learned how to interpret what they needed. Strange toddler sounds that would be unrecognizable to the average person was common language to me. They needed their parents to help them communicate what they needed.

The same is true in our walk with the Lord! In Romans 8:23 (NIV), Paul describes moments in our faith journey when we eagerly await “the redemption of our bodies.” We’ve been saved, but there’s part of us that inwardly groans because we’ve not yet been glorified with Christ. And, as we wait patiently, the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. When we don’t even know what to pray, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us! Our Father knows we don’t always know what to ask for or how to communicate what we need—and that’s okay! Our Father is gracious and kind. His Spirit stands by our side in those moments and advocates for us in accordance with the will of God!

Hebrews 7 describes Jesus as our High Priest who constantly intercedes for us before the Father. He doesn't need to make continual sacrifices because He gave up His life once and for all! The Bible makes it clear: We have a God who intercedes for us!

If you’re anything like me, you go through trials in life that leave you feeling weak and hopeless. Sometimes, you don't even know what to pray because you feel drained. Whatever you might be going through, you can trust the Holy Spirit is pleading your case before the throne of God in heaven! We have a Savior who doesn't leave us helpless when we’re weak! He intercedes for us through His Spirit.

So, what’s our role? We should simply cry out to God, knowing the Spirit is crying out, too. The Lord hears both, and He’ll answer according to His will!


Thank You, Jesus, for interceding for me when I don’t know what to pray! Help me to cry out to You when I’m weak and trust that Your Spirit is right by my side. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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