Hope for Weary Moms: A 5-Day Devotional Намуна

When my father was a teenager, his parents and their friends built a large cabin in the San Bernardino Mountains of southern California. It was rustic and always in a state of construction, even into my own teen years. But it became a respite for our extended family—a place of countless weekend getaways that included early-morning hikes, card games, practical jokes, fireside stories, and popcorn. There was always popcorn! My grandparents had the foresight to see that their cabin in the woods, over time, would help build up their family.
As mothers, we’re building our house. We’re guarding our city. I don’t mean that we’re constructing a home with hammers and nails, or that we’re defending a town with walls or weapons. Rather, we’re building and guarding a family. We’re constantly meeting the needs of food, clothing, shelter, education, recreation, protection, encouragement, discipline, instruction, and so much more. The list is endless, and sometimes it can feel overwhelming.
Psalm 127 portrays our utter need to depend on the Lord in every endeavor, including rearing our children. The phrase “unless the Lord” (Ps. 127:1) reminds us of our inability to build and preserve our families by our own efforts apart from his work in us: “Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.”
Think of it this way. If we’re striving to be good mothers but we’re not relying on the wisdom and strength that God provides by his Spirit in his word, then our efforts are in vain, meaning they’re futile and useless. The Lord alone is sovereign, powerful, and faithful to accomplish his good purposes in us and our families. So, weary mom, how can you practically depend upon the Lord to sustain you as he “builds your house” and “guards your city?”
We find two answers in Joshua 1:8–9. First, know and do the word of God, for “then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success” (Josh. 1:8). Read and study the Scriptures, and as God teaches you his truth, put it into action in your day-to-day mothering. Align your own life with God’s will revealed in his Word, and train up your children to do the same.
Second, remember that the Lord is with you (Josh. 1:9). The risen Christ is present to guide and empower you as you prepare meals, clean house, do laundry, drive kids to practice, help with homework, correct disobedience, referee squabbles, listen even though you’re busy, and tuck little ones in for the night when you’re too tired to take another step. Remind yourself of your Savior’s presence, who’s with you and in you, to love your children through you. With Christ by your side, “be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed” (Josh. 1:9). He’s always with you.
About this Plan

"Hope for Weary Moms" is a five-day devotional by Cheryl Marshall that offers encouragement and support for overwhelmed mothers. Through biblical insights and personal stories, Marshall helps moms see their challenges as blessings and rely on God's strength and grace, providing hope and a renewed perspective.