"A Long Love Letter" Reading and Prayer GuideНамуна

"A Long Love Letter" Reading and Prayer Guide

DAY 40 OF 50

I Will Cherish You - Reflection

Read Romans 8:30–39 from your bible and spend time meditating on it.

Then, look through the following passage:

Having chosen us, He called us to come to Himself and when we came, He declared us not guilty, justified, acquitted and made righteous. He has filled us with Christ’s goodness and given us right standing with Himself. He has promised us His glory and His splendor, raising us to a heavenly dignity.

What can we ever say to such wonderful things as these? God is on our side. Who can prevail against us? If God is for us, what does it matter, who may be against us? If God is with us, no one can defeat us.

He, Who did not withhold or spare even His own Son but gave Him up for us all, will He not also with Him freely and graciously give us all other things as well? With this gift how can He fail to lavish upon us all that He has to give?

Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect, the chosen ones of God—when it is God, Himself, Who justifies? Who can accuse the people God has chosen? No one will accuse them because God is the One, Who makes them right. If God says His chosen ones are acceptable to Him, can anyone bring charges against them? No, indeed! Will God? No, for it is God, Who acquits us. Will Christ Jesus, the Messiah, Who died for us and was raised from the dead and now is sitting at the right hand of God, the place of highest honor and is actually pleading our cause as He intercedes for us?

Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Shall suffering or anguish, can trouble or problems or affliction and tribulation? Can calamity or distress, hardships or misfortune? Can persecution or imprisonment or homelessness? Can poverty or famine or hunger or lack of food or clothing or destitution? Can threats or hatred or violence or danger or war? Can being in peril for our lives or the sword of our enemies? No, for the Scriptures tell us that for His sake we must be ready to face death at any moment.

In all these things, we are more than conquerors. Gloriously conquering, we win an overwhelming victory through Him, Who has proven His love for us—Christ, Who loved us enough to die for us. The One, Who loves us, always gives us victory in all these difficulties.

He, Who loves us, has enabled us not only to overcome these things but also to emerge triumphant over them.

For I am fully persuaded, I have become absolutely convinced, I have full assurance, I am certain beyond doubt, I am sure of this—that nothing can ever separate us from the love of God. There is nothing in death or life—not in the realm of the spirit or superhuman powers—the angels won’t and the demons can’t—all of the powers of hell itself cannot keep God’s love away. Not in the world as it is or the world as it shall be—not high above the sky or in the deepest ocean or anything else in God’s whole universe has any power to come between us and the love of God. Nothing impending and threatening, not our fears for today or our worries about tomorrow, not things present or things to come in the future, not what happens today or what may happen tomorrow, nothing that exists, nothing still to come, not any created thing or anything in all creation, not rulers or principalities, no monarch of the earth or messenger of Heaven, nothing visible or invisible, nothing thinkable or unthinkable can ever come between us and the love of God.

Using your own words, write down your understanding of Roman 8:30-39 in your journal.


  1. Reflect on the previous section, “I Will Cherish You”.
  2. Look through the readings and your notes from Day 33 to Day 39.
  3. Examine and see how the points are inter-connected. Write down your observations and understanding in your journal.
  4. State the verse that God uses to touch your heart.
  5. Based on what you have discovered, what is God’s message to you?
  6. Write a summary, reflection or note down remarks in your journal.
  7. Pray according to the points written. May God’s love surpass "the impossible” and bring good things and newness to your life.
Рӯз 39Рӯз 41

About this Plan

"A Long Love Letter" Reading and Prayer Guide

Take a 50-day journey with God through this devotion, adapted from "A Long Love Letter" by Madam Margaret Ruth Baker. This plan is presented like a personal love letter to the reader, written from the perspective of God writing to you.
