What Is the Secret to Successful Evangelism?Намуна

Be consistent in your ministry.
Successful evangelism is not seasonal. Nowhere in the Holy Scriptures is there even a hint that evangelism should be seasonal. On the contrary, the Word of God shows us that people were added to the church daily. The very nature of the church speaks to the fact that evangelism is not something that can be turned on and off. It's a year-round way of life for every Christian.
If you haven't yet been able to witness to someone about God's plan of salvation, don't be discouraged. You can try to do it every day. Don't lose faith. Sooner or later, your efforts will be successful.
Pray, Dear God; I pray that you help me be dedicated, faithful, and consistent in spreading the good news. I really want to serve for Your glory and the expansion of Your Kingdom. Help me make evangelism a lifestyle. Amen!
About this Plan

Since Jesus' command, evangelization has been the slogan of every Christian community for growth. No congregation, no minister can ignore it and keep Christian fervor. "Do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry," wrote Paul to Timothy, asserting that the work of an evangelist is inseparable from gospel ministry. The question often arises: "How can I be a successful evangelist?" We offer you eight secrets of successful evangelization.