From Garden to Glory: 10 Days Through the Bible's Grand StoryНамуна

From Garden to Glory: 10 Days Through the Bible's Grand Story

DAY 10 OF 10

Day 10: Happily Ever After

What does a good ending to a good story look like? To reference Tangled one last time, we know that a good and right conclusion to that story involved Rapunzel being restored to the same kingdom from which she was taken, returned to the same parents from which she was stolen—not to new parents or to a different kingdom. We know that a good and right conclusion requires the restoration of all that was declared good and right in the beginning. The ending is tied to the beginning. Our story is no different.


I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God” (Revelation 21:3).

Out of all that was lost when Adam and Eve were expelled from the garden, there is one loss that stands out as greater than the rest: Adam and Eve lost the ability to dwell with their Father and he with them. Early on, we looked at the heart of God and his desire to be with his people: “I will be your God, you will be my people, and I will dwell with you” is the heartbeat of our God.

This has been the main thread of our story. It began in the garden and has moved the entire story forward. The great dilemma in our story is that a holy and faithful God longs to dwell with his people; however, they (we) are unholy and unfaithful, and a holy God cannot dwell in the midst of the unholy. But God has been moving and acting, promising and fulfilling, and dying and rising again in order to accomplish his plan and solve the great dilemma. And, along the way, we have seen him progressively advance toward his goal.

The tabernacle and the temple were God’s way of drawing near to his people. But the complicated system of sacrifices, offerings, and rituals reminded them that he couldn’t fully dwell with them lest they die.

But in Revelation 21:22, we read, “I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb.”

As wonderful as the tabernacle and the temple were, they fell short of the fullness of the glory that comes with truly dwelling with God. In the new heavens and new earth, we will see the Lord as he is (1 John 3:2). We will walk with him again in the cool of the day (Genesis 3:8). We will be able to speak with him face to face (Exodus 33:11; 1 Corinthians 13:12). The Lord himself will be our temple.

In Jesus’s incarnation, we have been given a foretaste of what this will be like. While in human flesh, he walked with his people and sat with them face to face. Jesus said that anyone who had seen him had seen the Father (John 14:9). But that was just a foretaste because the disciples were still sinful people, the world was still under the curse, and Jesus’s presence on earth was limited geographically and temporally. However, when we dwell with the Almighty and the Lamb in the new heavens and new earth, our cleansing will be complete, our veils will have been lifted, and our access will be unlimited. Oh, what a glorious ending to an amazing story!

And so the story ends, but what a story it is! From the garden to glory, God has a plan.

This story encompasses all of creation and every life that has ever been. And, at the same time, the Author of this story knows every hair on your head. He treasures you, made you with a purpose, loves you, and is longing to dwell fully with you for all time. He is working all things together for your good and the good of his people. And he is calling you to take your place in this glorious story. His story is meant to change your story.

So, until that day when we stand together before the throne, worship him, follow him, and proclaim him. He is worthy!

We hope this plan was helpful to you. You can read more from Courtney Doctor in her book, From Garden to Glory, available here.

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About this Plan

From Garden to Glory: 10 Days Through the Bible's Grand Story

Many of us read the Bible without realizing that it is one story from beginning to end—a story about God’s great mission to redeem all things. In this 10-day overview spanning Genesis to Revelation, you will explore the themes and throughlines of Scripture from 30,000ft. This journey will help you read the Bible as the beautiful story it is—and experience God’s astounding love for you.
