Jesus Saved Me From...Намуна

Day Three
How are we going walking through Galatians together? So far, we've been reminded that we are saved by grace, and that we don’t need to add anything to our salvation to be a part of the people of God. We don’t need to comply with any conditions of the law to be included. That is good news! Now let’s look at Galatians 3, where Paul is exploring four key topics.
1. The Spirit working in the Galatians
In this chapter, we can see that Paul is bewildered by the state of the churches in Galatia. He can see a people who are reverting back to their old ways–seeking their salvation by following the law–and ignoring the new gospel that has been preached to them. He asks in verse 5, “Does he who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you do so by works of the law, or by hearing with faith?” He is reminding the people that faith in Jesus is what makes them God’s people–works to adhere to the law are no longer their way to salvation.
2. The Curse of the Law
In verse 10 Paul writes, “For all who rely on works of the law are under a curse,” through this statement and the verses that follow he is articulating that for a Gentile Christian to adhere to the law, it would create a barrier to the exact outcome they’re trying to achieve: righteousness in the eyes of God. Christ redeemed us from the law by taking the curse of the law upon himself, in his death, resurrection and ascension. At this point, the Jewish and Gentile Christians cannot add to the complete work that Jesus did in eradicating the requirement for the law.
3. The Reason for the Law
It's important to remember that when we talk about the law in this context, we’re not talking about morality or good works, it is in specific reference to the first five books of the bible, Jewish Law. This law is not inherently bad, but Paul is teaching that this law had a time and a place where it was required, but it has now been fulfilled by Christ’s death, resurrection and ascension. Jesus saved us from this law, in its completeness. Isn’t that a relief? We get to be close to Jesus simply by our faith, because Jesus did the hard work. He closed the gap on our behalf. That is freedom.
4. Implications of faith in Christ
So, what does this mean for us? It means that through faith, we are all sons and daughters of God. We are no longer under the guardianship of the law but are wholly welcomed into the family of God. Our faith in Christ is how we receive the Holy Spirit, and it’s how we can be in the presence of God without sacrificing a lamb or being circumcised, or any of the other many laws that were in place to enable God’s people proximity to Him.
How freeing, and what a relief that Jesus created a new way for God’s people to be saved! Through this faith, we are all heirs of the kingdom of God.
Heavenly Father, thank you for making us heirs of your kingdom and creating a way for us to be your people. Thank you for saving us from the curse of the law and giving us your Spirit through faith. As we go into our day, help us to remember that you are always with us. Amen.
About this Plan

This devotional is a 6 day journey through the book of Galatians. Each day we will read a chapter of this book and uncover the wisdom found within the pages. The simple power of the gospel of Jesus and how his story and our story come together.
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