Music: Bible Songs for PentecostНамуна

Music: Bible Songs for Pentecost

DAY 3 OF 3

Day 3

Isaiah 59 - My Covenant

Isaiah 59

21. "And this is my covenant with them."
“My Spirit will not leave you,
and neither will these words I have given you.
They will be on your lips
and on the lips of your children
and your children’s children forever."


Isaiah 60

1. Arise! Let your light shine.

All scripture from New Living Translation (NLT).
[Amen] added by author.

All music was created, mixed, and produced by Project of Love, Xander Stok.


Today is the last day of this reading plan. God is sending us off with this promise: "My Spirit will not leave you and neither will these words I have given you." (Isaiah 59:21)

That's one powerful promise! 🔥

You know, it's also true for reading the Bible. If you read the Bible without His Spirit, it's still a wonderful book, but you may just see words on a page, just like any book.

Think of the Scribes and Pharisees, they knew every word and verse and still failed to understand the Word, what it was really about.

But if you read it with His Spirit and let the Spirit breathe on the words, it comes alive! Think about it... God is Spirit. Every word He has spoken, He spoke through His Spirit. So how can we read the Bible without His Spirit to explain it to us? We can't. That's how religion starts. Not relation.

So, that's my prayer for you! May you let the Spirit guide you through the next Bible book you read.

Ask His Spirit to breathe on the words - the words you read, hear and sing. Let His words transform you and the world around you.

This is the last day of this plan. Thank you for reading & singing the Bible with us! ❤️🔥
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About this Plan

Music: Bible Songs for Pentecost

Project of Love is the Bible in song. This plan contains three beautiful songs to meditate on towards Pentecost. All words are 100% scripture put to song. Project of Love’s mission is to put all books of the Bible to song. Hear and proclaim the amazing Words of the Father sung to and over you - Words of Life, sung to life!
