The Silent But Deadly TrioНамуна

The Silent But Deadly Trio

DAY 5 OF 6

 The Pride Of Life

Pride is described as the “desire of the world’s approval rather than the approval of God.” This proves to be very true because everyday life seems to be a competition for approval from our peers, business associates and in the end we long to hear the praise of men while forgetting our creator. The Apostle John also described it this way, “the pride of life [assurance in one’s own resources or in the stability of earthly things]—these do not come from the Father but are from the world [itself].” (1 John 2:16b AMPC). Pride can hide itself and can be very subtle, I think we all have a measure of pride hidden deep within; nothing is wrong in celebrating success and enjoying the finer things in life, but when it borders on us taking the credit for the success and pay no mind to God or show thankfulness and gratitude we are then rooted in pride. 

Pride is most dangerous in the world’s system because pride makes a statement. “I don’t need God because I know what is best for me and I can control my life and my future.” Lucifer the archangel created by God in beauty and splendor and was in charge of worship in heaven was found with pride, and he desired to be in the place of God. Lucifer’s fall from heaven was because of pride, see (Isaiah 14:12-17, Ezekiel 28:13-17 NIV).

Let us again examine the individuals’ lives we’ve been following for the past two days as the pride of life ruled them:

  1. The enemy appealed to Eve’s pride by enticing her with the lie she would become wise and like God, “And a tree to be desired in order to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate; and she gave some also to her husband, and he ate. (Genesis 3:6c NIV)
  2. The enemy again appealed to Sampson’s pride by allowing him to believe he knew what was best for him, “And Samson said to his father, Get her for me, for she is all right in my eyes.” (Judges 14:3b NIV)
  3. The enemy appealed to David’s pride by causing him to use his position as King to bypass accountability and allowed him to believe that as King he could do as he please, “And David sent messengers and took her. And she came to him, and he lay with her.” (2 Samuel 11:4a NIV)

All three individuals were presented with something or someone that would promise satisfaction to their immediate desires. All focused on the object or person until they burned with desire or had a strong urge to have it. All convinced themselves that it was good for them and ultimately gave in. Eve’s decision to give in to the world system brought death to all creation, Samson lost his eyes and was imprisoned and treated like an animal, and King David committed adultery and murder because of his choice. While they were redeemed from their sins because of Jesus, they all suffered a huge cost and the products of their actions will be remembered forever. While this may all sound hopeless for us, I don’t want you to be discouraged, because of Jesus we need not give in to the world system. 

Holy Spirit, please help me to recognize the subtly of pride in my life. Help me to weigh the cost of my choices and decisions and help me to remember Eve, Sampson, and King David regularly as I ponder life. 

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About this Plan

The Silent But Deadly Trio

Throughout the history of the Bible, the men and women were plagued by what I like to call the silent but deadly trio.  In today’s world, it is no different for us. Everywhere we turn, we are plagued by temptations that “nibble” at our fleshly desires, but the good news is we have been given the remedy to combat the enemy and his tactics.
