Small Decision, Big Impact!Намуна

Small Decision, Big Impact!

DAY 4 OF 6

You have a place in God's heart.

I celebrated a milestone birthday last month!

Months in advance, I thought about who I would like to spend this day with. Honestly, I just wanted to celebrate with people I love!

When I looked around at my guests on my big day, I realized they could hardly have been more different from one another. But that didn't matter at all. There was room for everyone because each one has a place in my heart!

Do you see the parallel?

God has a place for you in His heart, just as you are, with all your weaknesses and flaws. Are you aware of this? Even if you've tended to avoid Him in recent years, that place in His heart is still reserved for you!

One guest didn't make it that day, and I can tell you: he was missed. It made me sad that he couldn't be there.

That's exactly what happens with God. He keeps inviting you to spend time with Him so He can show you His love, but you can't seem to find time for Him, or you run away because you think you’re not good enough to spend time with Him.

“Because of the Lord ’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.” (Lamentations 3:22 NIV)

God invites you to experience His goodness today! How will you react to His invitation? I can't make this decision for you, but I can tell you that taking time with God will give you a new life!

I’d like to pray with you about this: “Jesus, I run away from You so often. I make decisions that aren't right. Today I want to consciously take the place You have reserved for me in Your heart. I want to make every decision knowing that I am a child of God. That I am wanted and valuable. Thank You for Your love. Amen."

You are a miracle!


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About this Plan

Small Decision, Big Impact!

Prayer plays a big part in our lives. The Small Decision we make daily to lay whatever it is we are working through before God has a huge impact - something more than we can ever image.
