10 Days to a Closer Walk With JesusНамуна

10 Days to a Closer Walk With Jesus

DAY 5 OF 10

All the Accomplishment You Will Ever Need

JOHN 19:30

“It is finished.”

These three words strung together on the lips of the crucified Savior carry more wealth than if every ocean were full of gold. Jesus victoriously announces the successful completion of the work He was sent by God the Father to do on our behalf.

Jesus came to live the life we could never live, perfectly fulfilling the law of God on our behalf (Matt. 5:17), and to die as a substitute in our place, securing for us forgiveness and the gift of eternal life ( John 3:14–17). Now, we who have trusted in the Savior can say along with the apostle, “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose” (Gal. 2:20–21).

To add anything to the finished work of Christ as a basis for our acceptance before God is to detract everything from the finished work of Christ. We either trust in Christ completely, or we do not trust in Him at all. God does not accept us because of our own good works, church attendance, acts of service, baptism, community involvement, faithfully checked-off to-do lists, or because of anything that we have or haven’t done. Any acceptance with God is based on Christ’s righteousness, not our own. This is good news for flawed people who do not have their act completely together (or together at all!).

Jesus said, “It is finished.” All the work that needed to be done for our redemption has been completed in Him. Christ is now risen from the grave and has ascended on high, and He is seated at the right hand of the throne of God and ever lives to make intercession for His own (Heb. 7:25). He has promised to never leave us and never forsake us. He is eternally for us (Heb. 13:5b; Matt. 28:20; Rom. 8:31). This is the rest we achievers truly long to embrace.

Believer, in Christ, you have been set free from the bondage of living for the fluctuating approval of others or the fleeting glory of your own accomplishments. In Jesus and Jesus alone is all the approval and all the accomplishment you will ever need! Let that sink into the core of your being.

Think stunningly of His perfection. Can you add to it? No. Can you detract from it? No. It is flawless, faultless, finished perfection. It is a completed work. Now, you can wholly glory in what Christ has accomplished for you. You do not need to perform or achieve anything to earn God’s acceptance. Jesus is your righteousness, and all the approval you’ll ever need is found in Him. Now, may your love for God and others display the gratitude of one amazed to be saved by grace alone!


What emotions do you experience when you contemplate the finished work of Jesus on your behalf?

Let’s Pray

Lord Jesus, thank You for living the perfect life I could never live, for faultlessly fulfilling the law of God on my behalf, for dying on the cross as a substitute in my place, and for securing my forgiveness and the gift of eternal life. You did all the work that was necessary for my salvation, and You have said, “It is finished.” Ah, thank You, Lord! I worship You and gratefully rest in Your finished work on my behalf! Amen.


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About this Plan

10 Days to a Closer Walk With Jesus

In this NOISY world, God’s heart beats hard with love and mercy. But how can God share His heart with us when He doesn’t have our attention? Best-selling author and Bible teacher Craig Allen Cooper opens readers to the beautiful, merciful heart of our triune God. Draw closer to Jesus as you meditate on God's character.
