What's the Hurry?Намуна

What's the Hurry?

DAY 3 OF 5

Day 3: Me, Me, Me!

What is more important than ME?!? My actions affect my life. My choices determine my future. My time is most valuable to me! Although these statements may seem selfish and exaggerated, they may be more relatable when viewed as inside thoughts. We usually don't say these things out loud, but our actions can scream them for us.

I get very frustrated in the grocery store when others push their grocery carts similar to the rude drivers on the road. They speed in front of you as you screech to a halt and allow them to pass by. Their cart is on your heels as you pause to find the correct box of cereal for your picky toddler. They park their cart in the middle of a busy aisle to inspect every can of green beans for any sign of imperfection. Would it be so hard to slow down and be aware of others? Would it take much time to pull your cart over and out of the way? The simple answer is no! The solution – more consideration, less selfishness.

It's no secret that the central philosophies of Christianity are love and selflessness. Christ died for us to be able to live. The least we can do is to live for Christ. That means we should be more considerate daily and each moment we are given the chance. Our focus should not only be on our agenda but also on our neighbor. Everyone is worthy of common decency and consideration.

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About this Plan

What's the Hurry?

Each day, I ask myself, “Why is everyone in such a hurry?” People are so stressed and in a rush that it is obvious our society has forgotten about the truly important things. This devotional is designed to help us refocus and invite Christ back into the center of our lives. When we focus on Him, everything else becomes secondary and a lot less stressful.
