Engrained in ChurchНамуна

Engrained in Church

DAY 1 OF 7

Deeply and loved profoundly:

I was in and out of the foster care system since I was eight years old. As a child, I learned quickly that you couldn’t trust adults around you because anyone who was nice expected something in exchange. No one loved me simply because they wanted to love me. I moved from one home to the next, often feeling like an orphan, quickly disposed of by the next foster family because of one reason or another that they couldn’t keep me. As a little girl, I stopped hoping and believing that love existed because I was failed by people over and over again. For a long time, I believed that I was not wanted and it was impossible to experience unconditional love.

Friends, I have Good news! There is a God who loves YOU unconditionally. He intentionally created you from his thoughts. He formed you and knitted you together in your mother's womb! At your birth, he was singing over you, looking down, smiling at the sight of you. He loves you tenderly, gently, compassionately, fiercely, and in His way, not in a worldly way. You were his before you took your first breath. He is a God who yearns to spend time with you every day. He wants to hear every detail: the good, the bad, the ugly, and the in-between. God does not dispose of us when we make a mistake. His grace is enough to cover our sins because of the blood his son Jesus poured out for you and me when he was crucified. Jesus died for us while we were still sinners. When Jesus gave his last breath for you, the veil was torn in two so that we could enter into a personal relationship with the lord. We no longer had to go through a prophet to access God. He came down to us! There is a difference between knowing that God loves us versus having a revelation of his love for us.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, I pray and lift up the reader across this screen to you. I pray that you will meet them right where they are. I ask that you reveal yourself to them in such a profound way that will quench the thirst of their yearning soul. I ask for a fresh fire of heaven to fall down on them and a new eagerness and curiosity to seek you with every part of their being. I ask that you would position their hearts to receive you. Abba, I pray that the lies of the enemy will be replaced by your truth, your love, and revelation. May they have the courage to be honest about everything, as your presence is safe. I lift this up in your name, in Jesus' mighty name, AMEN.

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About this Plan

Engrained in Church

Growing up in a dysfunctional, broken family and being in and out of foster care has affected many areas of my life, including my relationship with God. It stopped me from joining a church community and pursuing everything that God wanted for me. If you find yourself lost, wondering how to step into the church community and have a relationship with God, you found the devotional!
